Tuesday, September 1, 2015

To ensure the successful completion of waterjet cutting, we must carry out inspection work

When we using the waterjet cutting, due to the maintenance of the cutting head and delivery systems can not be guaranteed, it may cause more serious consequences. So when we conduct machining, to regularly check and maintain water jet cutting machine system to ensure its best optimal operating condition is conducive to the production. Specifically how to do it? Take the following steps.

First of all often open water at low pressure, to observe the gem nozzle flow situation. Normally, the water flow should be symmetrical, according to different types of nozzles, the width of the discharge water flow is not the same. General ruby and sapphire nozzle flow slightly wider, diamond nozzle flow is relatively narrow, and more coherent. If the water flow beginning wider, it means the nozzle is damaged, need to be replaced a new one, because if do not timely replacement of damaged nozzle, then it is likely to cause damage to the inside of the cutting head.

The second is to periodically check the cutting head whether has wear and tear phenomenon, sometimes some signs of damage caused by a number of factors that we are not easy to find, so be careful viewing. For example, after the sand tube accidental contact with the fixture, it will damage the nozzle nut of mixing tube to maintain the alignment and the internal parts.

Finally, sand delivery system consumable parts to regular inspection and replacement, such as pipes and fittings. To make sure any part of the sand transport system under the bottom of micro hopper is not exposed to the air. Specific operation of the first to disconnect the sand transfer line from the joint of micro hopper bottom, and then open the jet and the thumb stick in the end of the sand transfer line. Feel whether the sufficient amount of vacuum exists, because if the vacuum is insufficient, there may be cutting head entrance was blocked or sand delivery pipeline cracks, it should be resolved as soon as possible.

Through the layers of strict inspections to ensure the waterjet cutting machine processing smoothly, ensure the equipment parts in good condition, extending its service life.

Source: http://www.waterjetnozzles.com Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

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