Tuesday, May 26, 2015

One of the most powerful water jet cutting machine parts - Waterjet sand tube

Waterjet sand tube is one part of composed water jet cutting machine, with other accessories together service for the waterjet cutting machine, so that water jet cutting machine capable of cutting materials to facilitate us, waterjet cutting machine without water jet sand tube will lose the role, so we must pay attention to the maintenance of the water jet sand tube when maintaining the waterjet cutting machine, so that the water jet sand tubes will serve us, then what's the advantages of waterjet sand tubes?

One, high hardness:

Waterjet sand tube is made of carbide powder, processing with stringent production processes, sintering technology is currently the world's most advanced, which makes its own density is very high, when in use without fear of high pressure could have a negative impact, you can rest assured that its use in the waterjet cutting machine to withstand ultra-high pressure, and always be able to provide us with a stable effect, so that we do not have to worry about with the emergence of longer time leakage phenomenon, its high density, high hardness quality completely block out the drawbacks.

Two, high wear-resistant:

Making material of waterjet sand tube itself has high stability, after forming a sand tube its high quality makes it high wear resistanance, in the use do not need to worry about the emergence of the defect, and it will increasing the sand tube life, its high degree of internal smoothness makes it to withstand high pressure while it is not easily damaged, because in the production of the aperture is also used ultra-high technology, pore polishing technology, which technology will be able to make its internal very smooth, not easy to wear and tear, so that we have a very stable quality waterjet sand tube. This is also one of waterjet sand tube advantages.

Careful study of waterjet cutting machine manufacturers -KOS Precision Machinery Co., waterjet sand tube, we will find more of its advantages, before we just talk about a few of the more common, we all know the water jet sand tubes are important for waterjet cutting machines, so each company at the time of production will have a very fine production steps towards better it will be produced, which is why we see waterjet sand tube has so many advantages, and making process using advanced technology.

Only the every parts are doing very well to make up a relatively perfect equipment, so when we buy waterjet sand tubes must pay attention to its own integrity and functionality, for our choice is the best, if everyone for where to buy waterjet sand tubes feel overwhelmed, you can go to the waterjet parts manufacturers - KOS precision Machinery Co., Ltd., believe there waterjet sand tubes must be able to meet your requirements.

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