Sunday, September 6, 2015

The laser waterjet cutting technology advantages compared with the traditional waterjet

Waterjet cutting technology once again there is a new breakthrough, the laser applied to the waterjet cutting process, using water jet and laser mixing and cutting materials to obtain higher cutting quality. Compared with traditional cutting technology has the advantages:

1, Lower heat

Many people used laser cutting all know, laser cutting may result in very high quantity of heat, but this problem will not occur in conjunction with water jet this cold cutting device, in the waterjet cutting process, the cooling aspect play the absolute role.

2, High flatness

In the metal cutting process, the water jet can be easily separated the dissolving liquid produced after the metal dissolution, without causing the dissolving liquid solidification again and burr generated, greatly improve the flatness of the cutting.

3, Parallel side walls

During the cutting process, the workpiece is fixed in a CNC worktable, in the waterjet-guided laser beam toward one direction to move. Laser head move along with the vertical direction, only in order to comply with a variety of working interval with different nozzles under different water pressure, only the necessary to change the interval between the workpiece and worktable. It will not change during the cutting process.

Source: Waterjet Cutting Parts.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Alternative use of waterjet cutting in life

Using water jet cleaning equipment stains, since waterjet has small cutting force area, high pressure, free of impurities and other characteristics, so the use of CNC equipment fixed the waterjet nozzle to the object plane, use the impact of water jet to remove some equipment hard attachments is also very effective, such as the use of water jet to clear ceramic coating, chemical pipeline fouling and so on.

The use of waterjet cutting all kinds of non-metallic materials such as paper, diapers, glass, fiber, sponges, etc.. Common water after the turbocharger pressurized, generate the 200MPa or less low pressure water jet, acting on an area less than 0.1mm, can be up to about 915 meters per second, can cut a large number of soft materials at one time.

Use water jet for patient to perform surgery, and now many of the world's medical researchers have successfully tested the surgeries using a water jet removed the liver, kidney and other organs. Although all of the medical equipment will be disinfected before use, but there is still the risk of surgical infections, and if used the pure water after rigorous disinfection to form a water jet for the surgery, then the risk of surgical infection can be greatly reduced.

Further water jet can also be used to dismantle the bomb, processed foods and so on usage, tools are dead but people are alive, take advantage of all the characteristics of waterjet to develop new uses for the waterjet cutting, may allow people to get the unexpected reward in the production and processing.

Source: Waterjet Cutting Nozzles.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Tips

Waterjet cutting machine summed up the abrasive waterjet cutting techniques in the process of long time use.

1, Smaller abrasive particles (120 mesh abrasive or smaller) of the cutting speed is slower, but surface is smoother (compared with the 60 mesh and 80 mesh abrasive);

2, If you need to regularly punch a hole for composites, glass and stone, ensure that the system can use the controller to reduce or increase the water pressure. At the same time to check the vacuum assist device or other technologies to enhance these brittle material or laminated material perforation chance of success;

3, Compared with the general porous flow controller, specially designed for process control systems are generally more efficient and easier to use;

4, Typically inject the tap water into waterjet system, before the water is injected into the booster, usually we will filter out impurities in the water through the water filtration system, 90% of waterjet and abrasive waterjet users only require soften the water. Water filters will greatly extend the life of the water outlet, but also improve the life of the turbocharger wearing parts;

5, Underwater cutting will reduce the possibility of abrasive waterjet cutting top surface frost or "fogging". Underwater cutting also greatly reduces jet noise and confusion in the workplace. The only defect is the operator during the cutting process is not clear to see the jet, we can consider electronic performance monitoring devices. The monitoring device is able to detect deviations from optimum cutting performance, and can shut down the system before the component is damaged.

Source: Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Parts.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

To ensure the successful completion of waterjet cutting, we must carry out inspection work

When we using the waterjet cutting, due to the maintenance of the cutting head and delivery systems can not be guaranteed, it may cause more serious consequences. So when we conduct machining, to regularly check and maintain water jet cutting machine system to ensure its best optimal operating condition is conducive to the production. Specifically how to do it? Take the following steps.

First of all often open water at low pressure, to observe the gem nozzle flow situation. Normally, the water flow should be symmetrical, according to different types of nozzles, the width of the discharge water flow is not the same. General ruby and sapphire nozzle flow slightly wider, diamond nozzle flow is relatively narrow, and more coherent. If the water flow beginning wider, it means the nozzle is damaged, need to be replaced a new one, because if do not timely replacement of damaged nozzle, then it is likely to cause damage to the inside of the cutting head.

The second is to periodically check the cutting head whether has wear and tear phenomenon, sometimes some signs of damage caused by a number of factors that we are not easy to find, so be careful viewing. For example, after the sand tube accidental contact with the fixture, it will damage the nozzle nut of mixing tube to maintain the alignment and the internal parts.

Finally, sand delivery system consumable parts to regular inspection and replacement, such as pipes and fittings. To make sure any part of the sand transport system under the bottom of micro hopper is not exposed to the air. Specific operation of the first to disconnect the sand transfer line from the joint of micro hopper bottom, and then open the jet and the thumb stick in the end of the sand transfer line. Feel whether the sufficient amount of vacuum exists, because if the vacuum is insufficient, there may be cutting head entrance was blocked or sand delivery pipeline cracks, it should be resolved as soon as possible.

Through the layers of strict inspections to ensure the waterjet cutting machine processing smoothly, ensure the equipment parts in good condition, extending its service life.

Source: Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Monday, August 31, 2015

High pressure water jet cutting to pay attention to what matters?

The main safety technical problems of high-pressure water jet cutting is to prevent high-pressure water jet and splashing water droplets impact, noise and electric shock.

1, Noise and prevention

When the high-pressure water jet machining, water jet flow rate of up to 100 ~ 600m/s, which will produce a lot of noise in the air.

2, Hazards and prevention of high-pressure water jet on the human body

High pressure water jet has great impact, direct injection into the human body will cause great harm. Even if the water jet is used for flushing or stripping process, about 25MPa pressure water jet can penetrate the human body; and the water pressure used for cutting up to 196 ~ 294MPa, such a high-pressure water jets can easily cut off human bone. In addition, if the recoil scattering drops of water injected into the eye, but also make eye damage. Therefore, we must prevent high-pressure water jet sprayed onto the body, you can take the following safety measures:

1, The operator should wear protective glasses at least, it is best to wear a protective mask.

2, To check or replace the cutting nozzle, the pressure of the high-pressure water must be released to the safety level, otherwise the operation can not be performed, in order to avoid accidents.

3, In the surrounding area of high pressure water jet cutting should be set up isolation screen to prevent in the process of human suffering water jet ejected and scattering drops shock effect.

Source: High Pressure Waterjet Parts.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Today the technology development of waterjet cutting machines

On the development of technology today, CNC waterjet cutting technology in the country has been very mature, CNC waterjet cutting machine technology in recent increase gradually, the understanding and application of waterjet cutting machine is also gradually deepening, we all know some other cutting easily produce large metal dust, smelly gas, glare, some cutting incidental questions for customers have a headache, in order to solve this problem, the advantages of waterjet cutting machine is manifested.

For example, waterjet cutting machine in some aspects is better than laser:

1, No limit of cutting thickness

2, Maintenance is not so professional as laser equipment and low degree of difficulty

3, Like brass, aluminum and other reflective materials can be cut

4, Can be easy to install more cutting head to increase production capacity

5, Without input energy, so it will not burn or produce thermal effects

6, You can have a complete set of waterjet cutting equipment for 1/2 to 1/3 of the price of a laser equipment.

7, When you change the cutting materials, you only need to change is the cutting; without have to change the gas, focus or other objects

Waterjet cutting machine working principle is that the water can remove dust, there is a lifting of the cutting platform for work. Due to the water factors will affect the cutting speed, cutting ability, surface finish so the operation still has certain requirements, cutting the same thickness of the steel plate, the energy consumption is lower than other cutting methods, manufacturing costs are relatively low.

In addition, waterjet cutting must be equipped with anti-collision devices or water pressure automatic adjustment device, when water jet cutting, due to the cutting water impact of material surface, the eye in short time is very difficult to determine the position of the cutting nozzle and the height of the distance from the cutting material, in the cutting process, the distortional steel plate if changes might collide with the nozzle, causing breakage or damage to the waterjet nozzle, when cutting, cutting head from the plate to a height of 3-5mm. The most obvious and biggest waterjet cutting features are: the use of wide-body enhancement of beam box structure, beautiful appearance. End frame with low center of gravity structure, symmetrical structure, good stability, ensure the overall rigidity strength and good dynamic equilibrium.

Source: Waterjet Nozzles.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting cold cutting technology leader

Waterjet cutting equipment is based on the ultra high-pressure water jet application of cold cutting technology. Compare with thermal cutting (such as flame, plasma, laser, etc.), the "water jet" can cut almost all materials from soft to hard, especially in the more than 20 mm thickness of metal, carbon fiber, titanium, aluminum, honeycomb structure and complex material molding processing, it has become an internationally recognized the best processing method. Waterjet cutting machine has been widely used in processing steel, copper and aluminum materials, glass, ceramics, carbide, plastics, synthetic fibers, cloth, paper, composite materials and others, and can be directly made structure parts or welded components, thus waterjet cutting system has become a new manufacturing equipment in the aerospace, military industry, rail transportation, shipbuilding, automobiles, engineering machinery, light industry, chemical industry, energy, construction and other industries.

CNC waterjet cutting machine consists of five major components: UHP generator, CNC machine tools, automatic abrasive delivery system, CNC system, integral cutting head. The simplest waterjet cutting machine has two CNC axes, controlled by CNC control X-Y do CNC movement, and can achieve CAD / CAM direct conversion, truly free keyboard input, no map processing, as long as the CAD to draw any complex curves, can be directly cut to shape.

Under normal circumstances, be able to make use of laser, plasma, flame cutting, sawing, milling and other processing methods basically meet processing requirements, is unfavorable use waterjet cutting, after all, waterjet cutting operation cost is higher, the nozzle, guide sleeve, high pressure seals are imported supplies, more expensive. But when you can feel the laser and plasma cutting thickness is too thin, the burr is too big, the heat affected zone is not good, you can consider using water jet cutting.

Source: CNC Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Waterjet cutting machine benefits of new technologies application

In various cutting and processing industry, the pursuit of high-quality, high-efficiency of direct forming process is the development trend of the current international, waterjet cutting machine is the response to this demand on the relevant technology innovation. In recent years, "CNC high pressure waterjet cutting machine" with the product of mature and expansion of application range and gradually entered a rapid growth period, relying on more accurate large CNC platform and more powerful, higher pressure high pressure system, the five-axis, six-axis control system, pitch and self-correction cutting, water jet cutting machines and cutting tools combination and other new technology applications, the waterjet cutting technology application is extended to a broader range of metal and non-metal (and food) processing and industrial manufacturing. Cutting and processing combine, from cutting blanking to the processing of semi-finished and finished parts, improve the processing efficiency and value, making changeable, large, complex structural components and difficult processing materials cutting and processing problems are easy to solve.

From the water quality points, high pressure waterjet cutting, there are two forms, one is pure water cutting, the cutting gap is about 0.1-1.1mm; the other is abrasive cutting, its kerf is about 0.8-1.8mm. From the structural form points, there are many forms, such as: two to three NC axis gantry structure and cantilever structure, this structure generally used for cutting sheet metal; five to six NC axis robot structure, this structure generally used for cutting automotive interior parts and cars lining and so on.

Obviously, high pressure waterjet cutting has many advantages, but also put forward higher requirements from a technical point of view, such as the material of wear resistance, UHP sealing problems, UHP safety issues, UHP reliability and so on are the industry's concerns focuses. The kos company has successfully solved the problem of 380MPa ultrahigh-pressure cutting, and now efforts to solve technical problems of 600MPa higher pressure, in order to promote the development of ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting technology to better serve our customers. Although the ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting can cut any material, but still be focused on some applications.

Source: UHP Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Waterjet cutting technology advantages in the field of cutting

Waterjet cutting device has its own unique advantages, so waterjet technology is recognized worldwide as the most common and the fastest growing technology. Compared to other cutting technologies, the waterjet does not produce toxic or harmful gases or liquids, and do not produce toxic or harmful substances or steam. After waterjet machining, in workpiece surface will not produce heat reaction zone or mechanical stress remains. Waterjet is indeed a universal, high capacity cold cutting technology. We come to you to talk about waterjet cutting machine advantages in cutting processing.

In order to reduce production costs, engineering and manufacturing departments are always looking for superior cutting method. Waterjet technology endowed with many unique features and advantages, can be very effective in reducing costs.

Waterjet divided into non-abrasive waterjet and abrasive waterjet two kinds

No abrasive waterjet

No abrasive waterjet is a way to use water directly cutting, no abrasive waterjet started to be commercially applied to cut corrugated cardboard. No abrasive waterjet be applied to cutting disposable diapers, tissue paper, and automotive interiors by a large number of users. When cutting the tissue paper or paper diapers, no abrasive waterjet operations generated a small amount of water vapor is much less than the steam caused by human contact or breathing. For general non-waterjet cutting process accidental downtime to the tissue paper or paper diapers producer caused a lot of economic losses. The water jet device can provide the above industrial applications throughout the day, the week, the year of the safe use.

Abrasive waterjet

No abrasive waterjet can be used cutting only some of the soft materials, but for steel, iron, stone and other hard materials, non-abrasive waterjet can not be cut or cutting speed extremely slow. If adding an appropriate amount of abrasive in water arrows can be used to cut almost all hard and soft materials.

Abrasive waterjet and non abrasive waterjet exist some differences, no abrasive waterjet use water jet etching material, and abrasive waterjet use sand jet accelerated by water jet, accelerated sand jet to etch the material, abrasive waterjet energy is thousands of times of no abrasive waterjet. Of course, no abrasive waterjet and abrasive waterjet have their respective applications areas. No abrasive waterjet can cut soft materials, abrasive waterjet can cut hard materials.

Source: Abrasive Waterjet Machine Parts.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Waterjet and waterjet cutting technology detailed analysis

Waterjet because of the need to use a powerful pressure, so water jet diameter is very small, so as to produce strong pressure. Water jet is through ultra high pressure generator pressure water to 300MPa or more, spray through a fine nozzle made of advanced carbide, sapphire, diamond or others, its speed is several times of the sound speed, this high pressure water flow with a strong cutting ability, but also by adding sand and other abrasives which can make the cutting ability of several fold enhancement.

High-pressure water jet can cut almost all materials quickly: glass, rubber, fibers, fabrics, steel, stone, plastic, titanium, chromium and other nonferrous metals, composite materials, stainless steel, reinforced concrete, colloids, soil. So to speak, in addition to the diamond and tempered glass (friable), there is no material that the high-pressure water jet cutting machine can not cut. And it can be safely cutting inflammable and explosive materials, as applied to the abandoned shells, bombs dismantled cutting.

Waterjet cutting small kerf (about 1-2MM), high cutting accuracy (0.0002mm), can be free to cut a variety of complex graphics, waterjet cutting incision smooth, no burrs, no heat no annealing phenomenon, cutting surface flat, widely used in aircraft parts, precision mechanical gear, printers, Walkman gear, parts and so on.

Waterjet has relatively high requirement for water, pipes, nozzle. Such as pipes, water jet is the use of high pressure tool after the water pressure and spray out, must have a very high pressure to cut the hard cutting materials, so the pipe must be able to withstand extremely high pressure, the pressure is much greater than 700 MPa, because thin steel plate (the material being cut) itself can withstand the pressure of 700MPa. Secondly, waterjet used water completely free of impurities is wrong. Because the pressure is much greater than 700MPa, for the pipeline and other sealing devices, no matter how good the sealing performance, pure water will always make them wear and leakage. To solve this problem, the water jet used water should add 5% soluble emulsified oil, improve the sealing effect. For the high-pressure pump, but also add some oil to improve the sealing performance.

Source: High Pressure Waterjet Sealing Parts.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Basic knowledge of waterjet abrasive

Abrasive has a significant effect on the performance of high-pressure water jets, especially in the abrasive water jet cutting, the choice of abrasive directly affects the cutting speed and the cutting surface quality. Many types of abrasives theoretically. According to sources can be divided into natural abrasive and artificial abrasive. Natural abrasive is made by minerals in nature crushing and screening, it is usually easier to impurities, but the cost is cheap; the second is artificial abrasive smelting by chemical methods, high purity, good performance, but the manufacturing process is complicated and expensive.

Garnet's chemical name: aluminum (calcium) silicate, to zhongtiao mountains garnet ore as raw materials, with the modern craft sticks refined, products high self-sharpening, grinding efficiency, sand consumption is low, wear parts good finish. The abrasive shell-shaped fracture, moderate hardness, good toughness, sharp corners, can be in continuous grinding new edges and side edges formed in the classification, make it better than other abrasive grinding, which has high hardness, specific gravity, chemical properties stable and unique self-sharpening of advantages, later also widely used in water jet cutting, therefore, also known as water jet sand. Natural almandine garnet because of its unique physical characteristics, high hardness, moderate cutting ability, no free silicon to become the best and most economical high-pressure water jet cutting medium.

According to the research, it is indicated that the water jet cutting any material has an optimum abrasive particle size, that is the same jet pressure and flow, can get the maximum cutting depth at a certain size, and increase or decrease the size, cutting depth are reduced accordingly. And for different hardness of the abrasive, for cutting different materials, the effect of different. For brittle materials, plastic materials and soft materials, the requirements of the abrasive are also different. For the same kind of abrasive, the same kind of cutting material, different water pressure and sand flow, the effect of cutting is also very great. Cutting process, water pressure and sand flow also has an optimal state.

Currently, the water jet grade garnet sand mainly 60 mesh, 80 mesh and 120 mesh, the basic is natural gravel screening process. The main origin of India, China, the United States, Australia and other regions, the domestic mainly concentrated in Hebei Xingtai and Lianyungang East China Sea area. In the price, the higher price of imported garnet sand, and lower price of domestic sand, quality is also very good.

Source: Abrasive Waterjet Nozzles.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Advantages of UHP waterjet removal method

UHP waterjet removal method has many advantages, we come to you about what the advantages of the ultra-high pressure waterjet removal method.

UHP waterjet removal technology

UHP waterjet removal is the use of ultra-high pressure (especially from 100MPa ~ 280MPa) water to remove the appearance of a certain thickness of the concrete. Wwhen the concrete surface is contaminated or damaged, high pressure water can be very effective in removing concrete surface without harming the steel bar in order to re-pouring concrete, so to maximize the use of resources.

Waterjet removal according to different requirements of engineering application, can achieve different effects

1, Low pressure: When the pressure is lower than 150MPa, only remove the concrete surface about 25mm, steel bar is not exposed;

2, High pressure: When the water pressure increases to the highest 280MPa, with appropriate feed mechanism, generally can penetrate concrete floor, make the steel bar totally exposed out;

UHP waterjet removal has the advantages that the other methods can not be compared:

1, More quickly and efficiently than traditional methods;

2, Not damaged parts basically can be reused, saving money;

3, Can remove the specified thickness as required;

4, It does not produce the appearance of cracks caused by the conventional method;

5, It does not damage the steel bar frame;

6, Minimum waste generated;

7, No damage caused by vibration;

8, Provide rough, irregular appearance, so re-pouring of the material with better adhesion;

9, It can reduce the sound conductivity;

10, Using automatic control of the robot or machinery can minimize human labor.

Source: UHP Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts For Sale.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Waterjet cutting radius and radius compensation

A CNC water jet cutting machine consists of three parts: high pressure water jet generator (high pressure pump), CNC machining platform, water jet cutting head.Water jet has a high cutting efficiency, in order to let everyone Learn more waterjets, this time we give you knowledge on a waterjet lesson.

What is the cutting radius and radius compensation

When we use the waterjet cutting machine processing workpiece, we not only have to learn about waterjet system operation, but also to understand what is the cutting radius and radius compensation. For example, we want to cut a circular workpiece φ100mm, the water beam diameter φ1mm, then waterjet cutting path in accordance with a diameter of φ101mm circular path cutting (cutting trajectory is the track of cutting water beam center through, CAD / CAM software to generate the G code shows the motion coordinates, are the cutting trajectory coordinates), instead of a circle φ100mm, if the trajectory is φ100mm, then diameter of the final cutting workpiece is only φ99mm, peripheral is one cutting radius smaller than required φ100mm (ie, cutting water beam radius).

To compensate for this less cutting radius, in CAD / CAM software in the trajectory needs to be based on size of the workpiece plus one cutting radius (if you are cutting a hole, you should subtract one cutting radius), so-called radius compensation, in order to eventually be able to process the required size consistent workpiece.

Waterjet has very wide range of applications, from metal materials to non-metallic materials, from natural materials to artificial materials, from food to household items, basically can be cut, with the "universal cutting machine" reputation.

Source: Waterjet Orifice Supplier.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Present situation of waterjet cutting technology

Parts cutting technology can be divided into plasma cutting, flame cutting, water jet cutting, wire EDM, laser cutting, mechanical cutting, etc., in which the waterjet cutting technology is relatively complex. What about our waterjet cutting technology development? The waterjet cutting machine manufacturers talk about this issue with you.

In recent years, with the "ultra-high pressure CNC waterjet cutting machine" (also known as "water jet") mature and expand the scope of application, it gradually entered a growth period, which also partly due to the rapid development of China's economy. Relying on more precise machine tools platform and high-power high-pressure system, waterjet cutting application range can be extended to metal processing and industrial manufacturing, processing more and more sophisticated products, but not only limited to glass, ceramics, stone and other materials processing.

Currently the "water jet" CNC platform more using ball screw and linear guides precision transmission technology, and the control accuracy are within ±0.02mm, while abrasive water jet nozzle and cutting head focusing performance and long life of the nozzle material technological breakthroughs, with the continuous and steady working of 400MPa high-power ultra-high pressure system, cooperate with the fully automated sand supply and sand control and high-pressure water start and stop control system, the "water jet" can cut automatically and continuously 24 hours.

"Waterjet" combines powerful computer-aided design and control functions, especially when cutting the "corners and sharp edges" automatic deceleration, in order to reduce the impact of drift in cutting, so that the cutting surface smooth and bright, coupled with the "water jet" cutting having a "grinding" feature, which makes the "water jet" on the cutting quality and efficiency have been greatly changed and improved, and can be directly used for metal parts forming cutting processing.

Source: High performance water jet machine parts.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The magical water jet cutting machine

Water gives the feeling is subtle, soft, if say that the water can easily cut the stone and metal, it is estimated that no one believes, but in fact it is true, the developed equipment use of this process is called waterjet. Water jet cutting machine is a product of modern science, how does this magical machine contributed for the production? This time we will introduce you about this machine.

Waterjet real science named water jet cutting machine, the principle is the water pressure, and then through cutting nozzle spray out. Normal water jet machines can be ordinary civilian water pressurized to 400MPa role, and make the high-pressure water at a speed of 100m/s emitted, emitted high pressure water instant effect on the plane about 0.1mm, produce high-intensity pressure easily cut stone, metal, etc. In addition, in order to increase the power of the water jet again, researchers have successfully mixed the called "Garnet" abrasive and high-pressure water jets, when the high-pressure water jet apray out of the cutting head, Garnet was also mixed in the water jet and spray out. In this way waterjet in addition to use the high-pressure water pressure, can also use the garnet sand grinding ability to cut the greater hardness, thicker materials, and with the cooperation of high-pressure water and garnet sand, make the cutting surface more smooth, bright and clean. Waterjet is a cold cutting equipment, substantially does not generate heat to the cutting material when cutting, and because the cutting force is very concentrated, does not take force to disperse around cutting surface, so that the cutting tool does not generate any deformation and burr.

Waterjet can be used for cutting, precise right angle, the workpiece drilling and grooving, etc., in addition the waterjet cutting starting point can be any position of the material. When using water jet cutting material, kerf is very narrow, so that greatly saving materials, and reduce the various losses, the process set soft and rigid as a whole, not only improves the cutting speed, accuracy, and also very environmental protection. Waterjet has so many advantages, so it is very popular.

Ultra high pressure water jet cutting technology in all areas of processing due to its perfect function and improved efficiency, especially waterjet can combined the cutting and precision machining function, coupled with the decrease of investment and use costs, making the "waterjet "cutting technology and equipment much attention in various applications, increasingly widespread, the development of the future is bright.

Source: UHP Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The waterjet shows its own uniqueness in cutting

In order to reduce costs better, engineers and manufacturers are constantly exploring, and now the waterjet cutting equipment can be very effective to reduce the costs in order to create greater profits. It is necessary to learn a little more water jet application techniques to use the lowest cutting cost to create greater profits.

Waterjet application

With the product of the mature and application of the expansion gradually entering a growth stage, relying on the more precise machine tools platform, we can process more and more sophisticated products, waterjet cutting applications will be extended to a broader range of metal processing field.

In terms of cutting costs, waterjet processing industry is considered the most universal and most rapidly growing industry, in addition to the above, water jet cutting machine is currently the world's highest capacity of a machine, it is superior to other processing techniques, such as flame cutting, plasma processing, laser processing, electrical discharge machining, turning milling planing processing. Meanwhile, the waterjet cutting does not produce harmful gases or liquids, will not produce heat on the workpiece surface, it is truly multi-functional, high-efficiency, cold cutting process.

Water jet technology

With the rapid development of automobile industry, market competition intensified. The development of high pressure water jet cutting technology and robotic technology for cutting automotive interior components provides a new idea. Ultra-high pressure water jet cutting has the advantages of good cut quality, fast cutting speed, precise size, clean with no pollution and so on.

Waterjet cutting shows that it can do some machining other simple processes can not be completed, it can punch a hole on the titanium, can cut all kinds of tricks on the stone or glass, which have shown the waterjet own uniqueness. It does not generate heat when cutting the material, in this cold process, it produces the supersonic water arrow on the cutting material surface can achieve the ideal effect, water and sand mixed, more enhanced its cutting ability.

Source: Unique Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Monday, August 17, 2015

The reasons of choose waterjet

Ten reasons to choose water jet:

After the experts' research, water jet cutting machine has developed rapidly in recent years, lack of experience in the original conditions effective development and innovation of this cutting system, the production of new technology enables many machinery businesses to buy, so that it can in this industry widely utilized. Waterjet has a great advantage, this time we talk about the reasons for choosing the waterjet:

1, Cutting quality is good

Smooth kerf, will not produce rough, burr edges.

2, Environmental protection

This machine uses water and sand cutting, this sand does not produce toxic gases in the process, can be directly discharged, more environmentally friendly.

3, Wide range of cutting

Most of the materials can be cut

Such as: metal, marble, glass, leather, wood, sponge, aluminum, copper, titanium, industrial ceramics, composites, and so on.

4, No thermal processing

Because it is the use of water and abrasive cutting, no heat in the process (or produce very little heat), this effect is very ideal for the heat affected material. Such as: titanium.

5, Reduce burr

Using abrasive sand water jet cutting, kerf has fewer burrs.

6, Programming quickly

Program is mainly generated by CAD drawing software, you can freely design the layout chart, or input the DXF files generated by other software, in addition, the machine supports third-party software, such as nesting layout software (for the graphics fill up the workpiece, can minimize the loss of the workpiece).

7, No need to replace the tool

You do not need to replace the cutter device, one nozzle can process different types of materials and shapes, saving cost and time.

8, Fast Programming

Can input the programs generated by other software into the machine, it can establish tool paths from CAD, and the cutter head's precise positioning and cutting speeds over 2,000 dots/inch (800 dots/cm) can be calculated, all you need to do just specify your material and thickness to be cut, the other work hand over to the machine to complete.

9, Reduce the number of adjustments

The workpiece need only small lateral pressure can be fixed, reduce troubles caused by complex fixturing.

10, Other equipment combinations can be operated separately

Waterjet cutting machine can equipping with other processing equipment group (such as drilling head), full use of its performance and optimize material utilization.

Source: Advantaged Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Application value of water jet cutting machine

Waterjet appeared to break the silence of the industrial production, the emergence of waterjet cutting machines let everyone shines, ultra high pressure waterjet cutting machine is an emerging technology, it has been widely recognized and accepted by society, and made great contribution to the development of heavy industry. What are the Advantages and application value of water jet cutting machine? Let's talk with you.

Ultra high pressure water cutting machine has high-energy, cold, point cutting features, it is no selectivity with cutting materials, when cutting there is no delamination, no heat accumulation, no heat-affected zone, no dust and smoke pollution, improve the cutting quality, narrow kerf, cutting speed up to 1.828m/min, no distortion, no abrasive tools. Can improve material utilization and productivity, and the production line has good flexibility, future waterjet cutting machine will serve as an efficient, energy-saving, environmentally friendly processing method to replace the traditional processing technology, its application will generate significant economic and social benefits.

Meanwhile CNC high pressure water cutting machine is one of the signs of ultra high pressure water jet technology development level, its technology-intensive, technology value-added and market share, and many other factors make it become a hot water jet industry research at home and abroad, which in the recent international water jet technology conference is particularly prominent, not because of waterjet commercialization and cooling. Said that the new technology application field has many issues to be studied, its application field and technology development prospect is broad. Waterjet cutting machines are efficient and environmentally friendly, more and more popular.

Source: Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Friday, August 14, 2015

The benefits of using high-pressure water jet cutting of metal screens

Advantages of waterjet cutting have been recognized by many companies, as a new cold cutting process, it has advantages the other cutting methods not have, that is, non-heat high-energy jets processing to avoid the processing materials deformation caused by excessive heat and other issues.

Waterjet cutting machine is using high pressure water cutting, no heat generated during cutting, is real sense of condensation cutting. Waterjet cutting has become the cutting industry mainstream cutting way, by cutting corporate favorite. Following is a brief look at the benefits of cutting metal screen:

1, Horizontal and vertical forces generated minimum → can reduce the setting time and the cost of using clamp fixture.

2, No limit of cutting direction → can perform various cutting shapes.

3, One time completed cutting the workpiece and has a good cutting edge quality → can reduces process time and cost.

4, No burrs → can shorten the workpiece manufacturing time and manufacturing costs.

5, Use the same machine to complete the same drilling and cutting function → can reduce process time and cutting costs.

6, Fine kerf → can reduce the amount of waste materials production, saving direct manufacturing costs.

7, Will not produce thermal effects or deformation or fine cracks → without secondary processing, saving time and manufacturing costs.

8, According to the design and the workpiece material to make resilient adjustments → can shorten the time from order receiving to finished product output, improve your productivity, will bring more business opportunities for your business.

Source: High Pressure Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Waterjet can reduce costs very effectively to create greater profits

In order to better reduce costs, engineers and manufacturers continue to explore, and finally developed a highly efficient, environmentally friendly, low cost cutting machine - water jet cutting machine. Now waterjet can do very effectively reduce costs in order to create greater profits. It is necessary to learn a little more water jet application techniques to use the lowest cost cutting to create greater profits.

Water jet has many advantages, in terms of cutting costs, waterjet processing industry is considered the most universal and most rapidly growing industry, in addition to the above, the waterjet cutting machine is currently the world's highest capacity of a machine, it better than other processing techniques, such as flame cutting, plasma processing, laser machining, electrosparking, turn milling plane processing. Meanwhile, the waterjet cutting will not produce harmful gases or liquids, do not generate heat in the workpiece surface, it is truly multi-functional, high-efficiency, cold cutting process.

Waterjet Cutting demonstrate it can do some other simple process can not finish processing, it can punch holes on the titanium, can be cut all kinds of tricks on the stone or glass, which have shown a waterjet uniqueness. It does not generate heat in cutting material, in this cold machining process, the supersonic water arrow it produces cutting material surface to achieve the desired effect, mixing water and sand, more enhance its cutting ability? Add different abrasives, have different cutting effect, can help increase waterjet cutting capacity.

Source: KOS Waterjet Cutting Machine Parts.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Questions about buying waterjet

Waterjet in cutting industry has been very high reputation in the evaluation, but no matter how good the evaluation, after all, is hundreds of thousands of things, a lot of people before buying still can not make a decision, and as people deepening understanding of the waterjet, the user consulting problem is also more and more deeply, here include three of the most common waterjet problems to answer them.

1, The cost of using water jet

This problem is not profound, but it is one of the most concern problems of every user going to buy waterjet, the use-cost of waterjet mainly include: electricity, water, consumable costs, garnet sand and normal maintenance costs, without calculating the artificial, waterjet one hour costs about 50 yuan or so.

2, Whether the waterjet because of excessive pressure cause machine explosion hazard

Under normal circumstances the waterjet manufacturers will be in the manufacturing process of the water jet, in some important parts to join security holes, reinforcement components such as to ensure the timely response in the waterjet pressure too large, or some other problem occurs, ensure the safe use of the water jet. Of course, does not exclude some of the poor quality of small manufacturers, in order to save the cost not doing this aspect of the work, it is recommended that in the purchase of water jet not too covet cheap.

3, Is it big noise in the waterjet cutting work

Ordinary waterjet cutting process will produce noise about 70DB range, if it is required to work long hours in front of the water jet platform, it may be advisable to bring earplugs.

Source: waterjet consumable parts for sale.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Classification of waterjet cutting machine

Waterjet cutting machine in operation will involves whether adding sand, so the device can be divided into pure water cutting and abrasive cutting two kinds; and from the body point of view, there is large waterjet cutting machine and small waterjet cutting machine points, respectively used for different cutting jobs. To distinguish from the amount of pressure used, the waterjet cutting machine can be divided into high pressure type and low pressure type, and even the ultra-high pressure type.

In a technical point of distinction, then, there are two types of waterjet cutting machines, respectively are pre-mixed type and post-mixed type. There is another kind of security as the basis of classification, including the safety cutting and non-safety cutting two kinds. When it comes to their respective areas of applications are also significantly different, such as low pressure type waterjet cutting can be used in dangerous chemical, petroleum, coal, hazardous materials handling, and other special industries; and abrasive waterjet cutting is mainly used in the mechanical processing industry.

Water jet cutting machine high pressure pressurization system is mainly the use of water running, when it is in the pressurizer after the high pressure to the cylinder piston will come out in further compression and vaporization. Thus, the water in the high-pressure turbocharger systems continue to be compressed so that the temperature rise and produce pressurized steam. Since the turbocharger is sealed, the water vapor due to expansion limited to form thermal power, resulting in waste water.

Water jet cutting advantages:

1, high precision cutting;
2, the image is quickly transformed into cutting finished products;
3, cutting speed faster;
4, one time molding, cutting edge clean and smooth;
5, narrow cutting gap;
6, fast calibration and multi function cutting mode, can be applied to large-scale production of intelligent systems;
7, high safety, no steam, smoke, dust, etc.;
8, cold processing, no deformation;
9, suitable for CAD/CAM software;
10, almost all materials can be cut.

Source: Abrasive Waterjet Nozzles Supplier.

Monday, August 10, 2015

The main parts of CNC waterjet cutting machine

1, Ultra high pressure water pump, ultra high pressure pump is the power source of waterjet cutting

High pressure generator: Reciprocating pressurizer
Working pressure: 380Mpa
Design pressure: 400Mpa
Water flow: 4 L/min
Cooling: water-cooled (optional electric oil cooler instead)
Power supply: 3-phase, AC 380V, 50Hz, 37Kw
Automatic over-temperature, over-pressure alarms and shutdowns.

2, Cutting platform selection: mainly according to the size of cutting materials.

Gantry: compact structure, simple installation, suitable for the size of some of the material is more fixed, relatively easy loading and unloading or more fixed loading and unloading way of the occasion.

Cantilever: motion mechanism and cutting platform separation, independently of each other, a larger loading and unloading space, especially suitable for the material size irregular, loading and unloading way not fixed, if you purchase the device is to undertake external cutting processing, it is recommended to use cantilever.

Dimensions: CNC cutting platform sizes selection should first consider the cutting workpiece dimensions (ie cutting stroke), and then consider jacking cutting issues and the material itself size specifications and other issues, it will help you to cost-effective choice, of course, we should also consider future developments.

Electric drive: AC servo motors and stepper motor two drive modes, cutting effect in two ways no difference, but if the cutting speed > 3000 mm/min, CNC cutting platform for the best selection of AC servo motor drive, otherwise the stepper motor driver would be an economical and practical choice, and future maintenance is also more convenient.

3, Automatic sand supply system

Automatic sand supply system can provide sand supply and sand storage functions for the device, it is automatically supplied abrasive sand to the sand hopper of CNC platform, fully embodies the automated process of equipment, which can reduce the labor intensity of staff and improve the working efficiency, simple operation, running steadily.

Highly sensitive sensors and lights tell the operator when should supplied the abrasive sand to the sand bucket. Such as the volume of 170 liters can continuously provide 500-800 minutes of sand the cutting required. In normal operation the green LED is lit, if found red light is on, it shows the amount of sand is less than 1/4, should be immediately shut down and sand adding, if there is a yellow light, then the sand has been filled successfully and stop adding sand.

4, CNC system

Hardware equipment: composed of high stability IPC and high precision, multi function CNC subsystems. For the entire waterjet device provides interactive interface from the beginning until the achievement of machine tool multi axis precision linkage inter multi-level signal occurrence, transmission, and feedback control of hardware devices. There is also has a number of reliable error alarms and automatic lock function. Equipment includes Internet ports and wireless remote control, allowing staff to easily grasp, easy and flexible to use.

Software equipment: software is divided into basic waterjet control software, and CAM computer-aided machining software. Waterjet control software runs on Microsoft Windows system of IPC, mainly to provide interactive interface, cutting file processing, simulation, cutting process monitoring, as well as cutting parameters setting and cutting process information statistics collection and other functions. The software is directly compatible with AutoCAD's DXF drawing format, and can automatically generate G code. Software system also provides power outages continue, select processing, array processing, rotating mirror image processing, and other advanced functions. CAM computer-aided processing software is used between AutoCAD and water jet control software of an optional tool, the main features are automatically selected advance, retract point, automatic layout, tool compensation, automatically generating optimized cutting paths, the choice of this software can greatly improve the automation of machining process and optimize the material usage, and the process aging.

Source: high pressure waterjet cutting machine parts supplier.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Some opinions on the 5-axis waterjet machine development direction

1, Localization. With the increase in domestic demand, 5-axis waterjet mechanical localization of the degree will be increasing, the localization process will be faster and faster! With the current domestic technology absolutely can create quality and functionality comparable to or even exceed imported 5-axis waterjet machines, breaking foreign machinery occupy the high-end market situation, completely change the market structure of 5-axis waterjet machine. Domestic 5-axis waterjet machinery and imported 5-axis waterjet machinery will expand all-round competition in the market!

2, Popularization. People's pursuit of high quality living environment and clean production environment to make 5 axial waterjet machines are more and more widely used in various fields of production and life. Coupled with China's sustained and stable economic growth, the market demand for 5-axis waterjet machine is more and more, people from the strange to the understanding, from understanding to application, 5-axis waterjet machinery will usher in the popularity of large-scale development!

3, Simplification. To popularize 5-axis waterjet machine applications, must make everyone can use! This requires 5-axis waterjet machine to develop towards simplification direction! Reduce the use of barriers for 5-axis waterjet machine like "fool camera" everyone can use. 5-axis waterjet machine development itself requires manufacturers to create more convenient for people to use the product, in order to best meet the needs of different users. Create convenience for the user is to create their own wealth!

4, Intensification. 5-axis waterjet machinery industry from scratch ushered in the "Hundred Flowers" situation, extensive development resulting in the current 5-axis waterjet machinery quality and the employees quality the good and bad are intermingled! Competition is in a state of disorder, the brand management is even more confusion, lack of continuity of the effective promotion, users face a large number of brands of dazzling, difficult to choose and compare. Market and industry are urgently change! Intensification can eliminating the inferior and remaining superior, the pooling of resources, change the current status of 5-axis waterjet machinery manufacturing and management, is the only way of 5-axis waterjet machinery development!

Source: Waterjet Nozzles Manufacturer!

Friday, August 7, 2015

KOS teach you precisely adjust the waterjet pressure for cutting

With the popularity of waterjet cutting equipment, due to the waterjet cutting machine itself has many advantages, now the cutting processing industry people, are more and more using the waterjet as their cutting machine tools, but a lot of people are long-term waterjet fixed under the same pressure for the cutting operation, few people will according to different materials, different situations to reasonable adjust the water jet pressure. For each cutting sheet material is not the same, so the cutting pressure water jet cutting required is different, the following simple example and I will talk about why everyone in our water jet cutting, we need according to the cutting plate of different conditions (different materials, different thickness, etc.), the reasonable adjustment of water jet cutting pressure.

Waterjet through pressurized the water to generate high pressure water jet to cut the materials, but for different hardness, different thickness of materials, waterjet optimum cutting pressure is also not the same. Such as when cutting the ordinary stone, used to make mosaic are generally marble stone, relatively speaking not very high hardness, waterjet pressure preferably about 220MPa to 250Mpa. And if you want to cut the same thickness of the metal material, then waterjet pressure should reach 350MPa to 380MPa also added garnet sand can cut. So why not use the cutting metal pressure for cutting stone, waterjet is mechanical product, mechanical operation has its own speed, no matter how easy the material cutting, cutting speed is limited. The greater the waterjet pressure, the greater the cost of consumption, here including electricity costs, the loss of the machine wearing parts, and so on series of questions.

So if only cutting one material, then whether can not change the cutting pressure? Really, if only cutting one material, the beginning of the pressure is adjusted to the most suitable range, can be achieved without making adjustments. But waterjet, cars etc. all belong to machinery, driving people know that long-term driving in a speed range, is also damage to the car. So occasionally have to adjust the pressure appropriately to protect the machine, here only a little time to adjust, for the protection of the machine is much greater than the losses.


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Portable waterjet cutting is mainly used in what areas

The portable waterjet cutting system is more unique in its application by advanced design concept and perfect design ideas. The device uses the international high-performance hydraulic system, also equipped with the safety valve and bypass shut-off valve and other accessories, in order to facilitate the building, plant, forest, outdoor and all kinds of dangerous, special environment freedom of movement, work, without geographical restrictions, can quickly and accurately complete the task. The company's hazardous materials handling equipment can be widely used for police explosives disposal, waste ammunition disposal, air rescue, armed police to break barriers, oil industry, tunnel construction and rescue and other fields and has outstanding performance. Its safe and efficient, no heat generated during cutting characteristic, making it the leader in this field. Meanwhile, the waterjet cutting equipment fast, non-destructive, work fine, one-time forming characteristics, can also be used in construction, equipment processing, stone processing, metallurgy, medicine and other fields.

1, Applications in the Counter-Terrorism

In the field of counter-terrorism, counter-terrorist explosion problem is one of the highest technical requirements, but also the most pressing problems. Such as the disposal of hard medium airtight explosives, there is no good solution at home and abroad. Waterjet cutting system, with its unique characteristics of cold cutting, the disposal of this kind of explosive has an irreplaceable safety and reliability. Application can be flexible in high-speed EMU, ordinary trains, airplanes, ships, large official events, meetings and processions, riots odd jobs, respond to emergencies.

2, Application in the field of dangerous goods and waste materials

Our country needs to destroy a lot of waste ammunition, industrial waste and other dangerous medical waste and radioactive waste each year. Use the old conventional method of transport to the uninhabited mountainous processed, every year to spend a lot of manpower and material resources in this work, it is not safe during transport and a high accident rate, causing huge losses to the state property. The new technology of portable waterjet cutting technology as a high-risk items for disposal, not only fast and safe disposal of hazardous materials, but also on effective recycling materials and reduce environmental pollution.

3, Application in the field of break barriers and rescue

Portable waterjet cutting system with fast, efficient, non-caloric properties, has an important role in the rescue and barrier-breaking work. In some disaster site (such as the explosion site, combustible gas leak site, the oil leak site), can cut metal, security doors and other obstacles, but also to avoid the heat generated by cutting cause combustion and explosion, in the actual rescue work has important significance. At the same time, the device can also be used in all the fields of not suitable for friction and heat, high temperature, flame cutting environment unknown security situations, the barrier-breaking, break doors, break locks, and other fields.

Original author:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Portable waterjet and traditional waterjet complementary advantages

First, for ease of illustration, the following portable waterjet called "pre-mixed waterjet", the common traditional waterjet called "post-mixed waterjet".

The biggest difference between the two is that the different abrasive mixed mode. To illustrate the "pre-mix" was first described "post-mix". "Post-mixed waterjet" is after the high pressure waterjet nozzle, the negative pressure generated by the water jet make abrasive suction into sand mixing chamber and then through abrasive nozzle spray. "Pre-mixed waterjet" to save the high-pressure waterjet nozzle this part, set a larger capacity pressure vessel directly after high-pressure water produced in the high-pressure pump (similar to the "post-mixed waterjet" of energy storage device, but much larger), and add abrasive in this container (this is the technology key of "pre-mixed waterjet"), and then through the high-pressure pipeline transportation to abrasive nozzle.

These two kinds of waterjet technologies are different, resulting in large differences of the two technical performance. "Pre-mixed waterjet" working pressure is not suitable for too high, generally 20 ~ 50MPa, but the flow rate should not be too small, typically 8 ~ 30 L / min. The "post-mixed waterjet" working pressure generally in 200 ~ 400MPa or more, and the flow is relatively small, generally in the 2 ~ 4 L / min.

"Pre-mixed waterjet" advantages: at lower pressures, but also to achieve "post-mixed waterjet" cutting function. And because "the pre-mixed" reasons, structure of high-pressure pump portion is much simpler than the "post-mixed waterjet". Equipment failure rates and maintenance costs are much lower.

"Pre-mixed waterjet" the limitations are obvious: due to the special nature of the mixed-sand, leading to its work is intermittent. And during its working period, it is not suitable for jets frequently "on" "off".

In summary, the portable waterjet as a "pre-mixed waterjet" compare with "post-mixed waterjet" , almost no competition in the use, but a complementary relationship. Portable waterjet not suitable for CNC cutting like "post-mixed waterjet", and cutting efficiency is far less than "post-mixed waterjet". But in the wild or the random cutting task, portable waterjet come in handy. As for cutting inflammable explosive and other dangerous goods, both of which can do the job. The key depending on how many assignments and cutting thickness.

Another key is the device price: portable water jet cutting is generally equipped with simple settings, the cost is about 40,000 yuan. CNC waterjet, the most small model is 1 m * 1 m, the cost is about 100,000 yuan.

Information resource from

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Waterjet pre-treatment of water

In different regions of our country and its water quality has a great difference, such as in most parts of the north, the water content of calcium and magnesium is relatively high, thus forming the so-called "hard water". As the ultra high pressure water jet pump equipment main medium of water, when the suspended solids or calcium and magnesium content exceeded, will resulting in a greater impact on system seal and high pressure parts service life. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-treatment of water entering the pump. Let's look at how the waterjet pre-treatment of water:

Waterjet cutting machine pre-treatment of water, including water filtration and water softening:

1, The main purpose of water filtration is to remove suspended solids in water, and it is usually realized by using multi-stage series filter device. Filter pump provides an initial pressure for the filter. Filters were equipped with 5μm, 1μm and 0.5μm of PP cotton filter. After triple filtered water will no longer be suspended solids, then after pressurized by a booster pump into the pressurizer. Filter stage usually requires the installation of a pressure differential table, through the filter when the filter clogging cause insufficient water pressure, the system will automatically stop and alarm to alert the operator to replace the filter in time to ensure system security.

2, The methods of softening water generally have boiling, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and other methods. The RH-1000 model softener as an example to introduce the basic principle of water softening and use.

(1) System function: The system uses 20μmPP cotton filter, activated carbon filter and 5μm ultrafilter series filter group, not only can remove the residual chlorine in water and suspended solids, and can effectively ensure the life of the resin. Softener resin used can effectively remove calcium and magnesium ions to achieve the effect of softened water. Softener with automatic regeneration.

(2) Water quality testing: to facilitate the understanding of the situation of water quality, can use water quality test reagent to test the water suspended solids, hardness and PH value. Let's take a look at it.

After softening water quality have a protective effect on the waterjet, prevent it from the "hard water" damage, prolong the service life.

Article source from

Monday, August 3, 2015

Operation skills of using waterjet cutting machine

Operation skills:

1, Air gap when cutting, avoid cutting air gap is greater than 0.5mm. In the air gap in the nozzle divergent trend, it will cause the lower layer cutting surface roughness. Stack cutting, keep the sheet neatly stacked together.

2, Automatic loading and unloading, most machines do not use automatic loading and unloading techniques, such as the space shuttle.

3, Increase or decrease of water pressure by the controller.

4, Ordinary tap water, waterjet system uses ordinary tap water. 90% of pure waterjet and abrasive waterjet users require only water softening process to go through before the water filters through the pump into the turbocharger inlet. Reverse osmosis and deionization technology can greatly extend the life of the nozzle, but also cause costly damage to the turbocharger and high-pressure pipe.

5, Control system specially designed for the process, is usually more efficient and easier to use than the general multi process control.

Waterjet cutting mechanical features:

1, Can be configured dual cutting heads to increase productivity.

2, The actual cutting surface without burr, generally do not need the postprocessing.

3, Clean and safe process.

4, Low temperature processing, no dust and no harmful gases, are environmentally friendly.

5, Cutting fluctuation is absorbed by water, low noise.

6, By integrating the debris conveyor, continuous transport of waste abrasive and cutting excess material.

Information source from

Sunday, August 2, 2015

New technology in the waterjet cutting applications

In various processing industries, the pursuit of high-quality, high-efficiency direct forming process is currently the development trend of international, "waterjet" cutting machine is the response to this demand on the relevant technology innovation.

1, High-precision CNC machine tools

With the emergence of including precision ball screw, servo motor, resonance reduction unit and other technology, the machine tool can achieve higher position accuracy; and backlash compensation, repeat positioning accuracy improved, and the machine tool manufacturers will be more energy into to analyze the reasons for geometric error generated, so that by the use of the club measuring instrument and laser interferometer and other high-precision measuring instruments to detect geometric precision of machine tools and the establishment of a mapping table to give precision error correction, in order to manufacture high precision machine tools.

2, High power ultra high pressure system

Improve the energy of water, will enhance its cutting ability. The greater the energy of the water jet, the better the cutting performance, so the waterjet cutting machine pressure and maximum output flow has become the main parameters affecting the cutting ability. Currently, the international opinion on this are doing further research and testing, the test proved that when the pressure reaches 700MPa or more, also can use the pure water to cut thin steel plate and hard composite material, thus further improving the turbocharger pressure can greatly improve waterjet cutting machine cutting ability.

On the other hand, under the same pressure, increasing the flow rate of the jet (i.e. increasing the power of the jet) can also improve the cutting ability, thereby generating multi turbocharger parallel technology: under the premise of no major changes in the existing system, use multi turbocharger parallel technology, that's two or more high-voltage generator in parallel, can easily increase output flow of turbocharger, using large-diameter nozzle cutting, so water jet more efficient cutting energy, cutting effect better.

Information source:

Friday, July 31, 2015

How to realize the automatic nesting function of waterjet cutting equipment

How to realize the automatic nesting function of cutting machine equipment? Cutting machine remote operation system is mainly provided by the external file system to resolve internal external interface to read the file that contains the cutting entity information.

1, Basic operating functions. The actual production for the needs of the operation of the cutting machine to establish the corresponding function modules, including file management, parts management and system management functions. Among them, the management file contains the NC code file box DXF file parsing, parts management also includes a code editor on the workpiece, the workpiece parameter settings, etc.;

2, Automatic nesting function. The main function is to provide the automatic discharge of the machined materials on the sheet;

3, Cutting simulation function. Mainly to solve the NC code correctness verification requirements, including motion control and cutting process simulation.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The beauty of the water jet cutting of glass art

In home decoration, when we choose the decoration of kitchen, walls will often choose some pretty patterns, such as the bathroom window we will select some patterns of conditioning, so it seems like the owner is more romantic, elegant, let people pleasing. The guests can enjoy the gentle temperament of the owner, and therefore the first choice of many people. Among them our waterjet a credit. These beautiful glass art is how to cut it? Let us see.

Glass cutting provides many new applications for water jet system, and enables the creation of sculptures and works of art into a new world. Although over the years it has been applied to gas blast texturing process water jet cutting of some details of etching and glass, but because of work pressure of gas is generally about 0.5MPa, therefore operating speed is too slow, for certain industrial applications little significance. And the application of abrasive water jet machining, its jets have the ability to cut off all material encountered, it is particularly suitable for cutting composite materials, one of which is laminated glass.

In the glass cutting, the need to pay attention to the brittleness of the glass, the workpiece must be carefully supported, in order to avoid uneven support surface of the bending stress generated in the glass, the role of the cutting point is similar to a stress concentration point. When before cutting the glass the start of the perforation, because of stop the jet, it may lead to the generation and propagation of cracks. However, such a composite material after cutting along the contour line does not affect the properties of the material, especially in cutting thicker material the advantage is more prominent. The processing of the traditional processing methods for the safety glass which a layer of plastic between two layers of glass is first cut with a diamond grinding wheel to carve grooves on the surface, and then use the impact to cut, the consumption of interlayer material is 30%, and cut with abrasive water jet through three layers of different materials with no deviation, this issue is resolved immediately. Therefore it is suggested that under the condition that the potential penetration, the jet pressure should be 70 ~ 80MPa, until the perforation is completed the jet pressure should not be raised to the actual cutting pressure. In this way, the crack caused by the pressure will not cause the whole plate of the scrap, but produce localized surface debris, through reasonable arrangement of cutting path can avoid the impact on the performance and appearance of the finished product.

In addition, for certain special purposes after the heat treatment of prestressed glass material need special treatment. Due to the influence of prestress, the end of any crack will produce a large enough stress concentration, such materials typically will smash due to cracks, so based on this reason is not recommended to use water jet cutting similar materials. When the jet completely divergent in the slit edge will have undesirable burrs, when cutting the workpiece spatter grains may scratch the workpiece and cause a threat to the operator, which must be observed and prevention.

Glass products are the most common in our lives, waterjet is one of the "behind the scenes operatives", it brings us beautiful experience and spiritual perception. Waterjet brought us beautiful art to enjoy.

More info for waterjet cutting technology please click

Monday, July 27, 2015

Application of ultra high pressure cutting technology

Ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting technology is presented first by the Soviets in the hands of the Americans to be relatively perfect a jet technology. Abroad from the late 1970s, waterjet cutting technology applications, after all these years of continuous research and improvement, application, has been developed to a high level of application.

In terms of pure waterjet cutting, waterjet cutting technology with robot technology is widely used in automotive, aerospace, clothing, rubber, ballistic material and other industries. Such as water jet and automatic robot arm combination to complete the three-dimensional of cutting. This automated system can be used in automotive interior parts and aerospace components and other cutting. Difficult to process composite materials using traditional processing methods, waterjet cutting is at ease, such as the arsenal want to processing Kevlar material imported from Holland which is used for tanks, armored vehicles, bulletproof vests, bulletproof car bulletproof layer, within the overall context of the soldiers can not solve the problem cropped materials, waterjet cutting quickly resolved.

In the field of abrasive waterjet, machining abrasive cutting, the application is more extensive, have been involved in the stone, glass, metal, composites, building ceramics, bulletproof glass, and other industries. Such as iron ore used the ore conveying pipes, because the tube is coated with a layer of composite ceramic to enhance wear resistance, but the tube and therefore becomes difficult to process, by machining is not tool hardness not enough, it is the result of too much vibration and damage machining plating ceramic layer, to solve this problem of waterjet is the best choice for cutting tools.

1996 Domestic waterjet officially on the market immediately attention by all sectors of society, and quickly widely used in building ceramics and stone industry. Used in deep processing of construction ceramics and stone, get great economic benefits. It has developed into a mature processing means.

Compared with traditional cutting methods, waterjet cutting mainly has 7 advantages:

1, Cold cutting means - to avoid the effects of thermal distortion, material hardening and the stress of the material.

2, Without or a small, simple clamping device can be OK.

3, Without material limitation, it can cut almost any material (toughened glass, tungsten carbide).

4, The complicated pattern, thick, difficult to cut, fragile and sensitive to heat the materials, most suitable for waterjet cutting.

5, With a narrow kerf, cut smooth, no burrs, no need secondary processing cutting surface, save material, reduce costs (titanium alloy).

6, For precise contour cutting.

7, No sparks flying etc. when cutting. And there is no dust and harmful gas pollution environment during the cutting process, so high pressure water jet cutting technology also has environmental protection significance.

More information in the waterjet nozzles website.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The basic knowledge of the waterjet parts

Today's cutting machine models, types are many, power in the form of use also many, the water jet cutting machine is the most widely used cutting machines, here, with everyone together to take a look at some basic knowledge of waterjet parts.

1, Waterjet Cutting Machine waterjet parts produced how much Waterjet pressure: currently there are two kinds of the most common waterjet pressure range, one is 220MPa rated pressure, 300MPa maximum pressure general waterjet, the other is 320MPa rated pressure, 380MPa maximum pressure UHP type waterjet. Of course, there are also individual waterjet manufacturers said their waterjet can reach 400MPa or more, in fact, most manufacturers can achieve, but for security reasons still set the peak for 380MPa.

2, The maximum thickness of Waterjet Parts can cut: according to the above mentioned, if the peak in 380MPa UHP waterjet type, the biggest can be cut 100mm metal materials, stone can reach 150mm.

3, How wide is waterjet cut: generally the waterjet cut is slightly larger than the cutting nozzle diameter, about 0.8mm.

4, How about waterjet parts cutting accuracy: waterjet cutting accuracy is very high, under normal circumstances the cutting error less than 0.1mm.

5, When using water jet cutting materials, is needed for the fixture fixing it? Generally when using waterjet cutting operation, the material does not need to do anything special fixed, but in waterjet cutting process, there will be some slight vibration. If that is smaller or lighter materials and high precision requirements of the situation, can also use the fixture to fix it.

6, When using the waterjet parts cutting, need to punch in advance? No, waterjets can cut the material need to be machined directly, without advance any preparation.

7, What is the use of water about the cost? The cost of using the waterjet except labor costs, mainly composed of electricity, consumables, depreciation and other aspects, average costs one hour about 30 yuan.

8, Whether dangerous to use waterjet parts? Waterjet belongs to intelligent numerical control equipment, when cutting the person does not need to contact, so it does not create security problems.

9, Waterjet Parts cutting water can be reused? Waterjet cutting used water will contain a lot of cutting material debris and some auxiliary material residues, the need for purification before secondary use, the cost is too high.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Typical applications of waterjet cutting

Waterjet cutting in many areas can be used, is versatile cutting technology, the waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturers to come with you to talk about applications in different areas.

1, Typical applications of waterjet cutting in the metal cutting field

A, Decorations stainless steel and other metal cutting processing

B, Metal parts cutting (such as stainless steel flange plate of the semi finishing, steel structures, non-ferrous metals, special metal materials, etc.)

C, Outer casing of machinery and equipment manufacturing (such as machine tools, food machinery, medical machinery, electrical control cabinets, etc.)

2, Ceramics, stone and other building materials processing field applications

"Waterjet" in the application of the field earlier, currently the largest absolute number of domestic customers, this area is mainly used for art mosaics. At present, China's ceramics, stone art mosaic products are exported around the world.

3, Composite materials, bulletproof materials and other special materials one-time forming cutting process

4, Soft materials pure waterjet cutting

A, Robot Space cutting of automotive interior parts

B, Foam sponge, paper, etc

5, Low melting point and flammable, explosive materials cutting (such as explosives, shells, etc.)

6, Typical applications in the field of glass cutting

A, Lamps and lanterns

B, Appliance glass cutting (gas stove surface, range hood, disinfecting cabinet, TV, etc.,)

C, Building decoration, craft glass

D, Bathroom products (shower room, etc.)

E, Automotive glass, etc.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The usual maintenance and repair of the water jet is very important

Waterjet in normal use, there are some details that need attention, and in the process of waterjet operation, the staff needs to maintain a certain distance from the waterjet, avoid waterjet accidental injury to personnel. In the cutting process, the cutting material need to be placed on the waterjet platform, to ensure that no barrier when waterjet motion. After completion of the cutting, it must be turned off the high pressure water switch first, let the waterjet stops running, and then to the next steps, if encounter a sudden power outage, etc., due to the the water jet residual part of high pressure water has not been released. Do not arbitrarily close to the water jet cutting head, wait until the power is restored, first the residual high pressure water discharge, then operation.

Waterjet cutting machine is a high pressure system, through the high-pressure water cutting various of materials, and can accurately precise thickness by the chainsaw and a strong high pressure power arbitrarily cutting a variety of different types of steel and thickness, laser no light burns the human eye, but do not worry about the high temperature fire, has a very safe measures, waterjets also can be used in medical malpractice, burn patients can be amputation, without the use of noise, very suitable for a wide range of use.

Waterjet cutting maintenance and repair: 1, regular inspection of the cutting head there is no damage phenomenon, there is no other debris entering into. 2, regular observation of the flow is relatively stable, conducive to the flow of the phenomenon of the pipeline. 3, regular inspection of parts if there is the phenomenon of consumption, ensures that in the work process can be carried out smoothly. 4, always properly maintained waterjet, waterjet operation could be more efficient, and can extend the life of the waterjet.

Buy more quality waterjet cutting machine parts for your consumption of cutting machine.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Four embodiment of the rapid development of domestic cutting industry

1, High quality waterjet

In terms of quality, the water jet is understandable, its every production and every parts are through the strict standards for performance. Usually do not have serious questions about the quality, we can-centering. It is tough to grasp in the choice of material, the choice of good materials imported, all technologies are strict checks, as long as this, the ability to produce high quality water jet.

2, Waterjet cost performance

Waterjet cost performance is recognized in the industry as good, not only equipment is not expensive, accessories offer also cheap, and there will not be big problems under normal circumstances, low repair costs, very popular with everyone's favorite.

3, Waterjet after-sales service

Waterjet has improved after-sales service, after we buy the waterjet do not have to worry about the repair damaged doubt, they usually supply intact, comprehensive service.

4, Waterjet diversity

Waterjet is not just limited to one standard or one type, it has many different types, good diversification of production, to meet the different needs of customers, and the offer economic and affordable, by the vast number of consumers favorite.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How to maintain waterjet

With the popularity of the promotion, the use of water jet cutting machines are becoming increasingly widespread, so how to maintain water jet in daily use?

Step 1: waterjet cutting machine familiar with the flow of the nozzle. Open waterat at low pressure and observed. The water should be symmetrical, its width depends on the type of nozzle. Ruby and sapphire waterjet nozzle flow is slightly wider; diamond nozzle flow is narrower and more coherent. If the water flow began to widen, said nozzle is damaged, it should be replaced immediately. Damaged nozzle (or misaligned pipes) will cause internal damage to the cutting head.

Step 2: Periodically check the cutting head whether wear or damage (often due to accidental contact with components or fixtures caused). For example, the mixing tube accidentally contact with the fixture will cause damage to the nozzle nut and internal parts maintain the alignment of mixing tube.

Step 3: Check the system and keep it in top operating condition, so that the waterjet cutting operations more efficient, and extend the life of its components. Periodic inspection and replacement of sand delivery system consumable parts, such as pipes and fittings. Make sure the sand delivery system components under the bottom of the miniature hopper are not exposed to any air. When checking this, disconnect sand delivery pipeline from the mini hopper bottom of the joint, manually open the jet and the thumb attached to the end of the transfer line of sand. You will feel a sufficient (but not excess) vacuum exist, which may make the thumb tip dented. Insufficient vacuum may indicate the cutting head inlet is blocked, or sand delivery pipeline cracks, and must be addressed in order to give full play to the efficiency of the system.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Waterjet cutting equipment has its own unique cutting advantages

Waterjet cutting equipment has its own unique cutting advantages, so waterjet technology is recognized worldwide as the most common and the fastest developing technology. Relative to other cutting technology, waterjet does not produce toxic or harmful gases or liquids, and do not produce toxic or harmful substances or vapors. After waterjet machining in a workpiece surface will not produce thermal reaction area or mechanical stress remains. Waterjet is indeed a universal, high capacity cold cutting technology.

Before selecting a waterjet cutting equipment, we are always on the performance of analysis and comparison, we will compare it with other cutting methods, such as laser cutting, plasma cutting, wire cutting and other traditional cutting methods. Waterjet cutting technology does have its unique, significant advantages:

1, The cutting quality is excellent

Waterjet cutting is a cold processing method, water jet cutting will not wear and small radius, can process a small arc having a sharp edge contour. Process itself is no heat generated and cutting force is small, processing surface does not appear in the heat affected zone, the organizational structure of the natural material incision does not change, it is almost non-existent thermal and mechanical stress and strain, the cutting gap (pure water cutting of incision of approximately 0.1mm to 1.1mm, sand water mixed cutting the incision is about 0.8mm to 1.8mm. with the sand tube diameter flaring, the incision is larger) and cutting beveling very small (mostly see the good parts of unilateral cut quality hypotenuse between 0.076mm to 0.102mm), no secondary processing, no cracks, no edges, no scum, so the cutting quality is excellent. Whether ordinary metals such as steel, stainless steel, copper, titanium, aluminum alloy, etc., or non-metallic, such as stone, ceramics, glass, rubber, paper and composite materials, can apply.

2, Clean and environment protection no pollution

During cutting process do not produce arc, dust and toxic gases, operating environment clean, to meet stringent environmental requirements.

3, Saving cost

Waterjet cutting system produces the minimal lateral and longitudinal forces, will not produce thermal effects or deformation or subtle fracture, no need secondary processing, can drilling also can be cut to reduce the cutting time and manufacturing costs.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Important parts of waterjet cutting machine

The key system of CNC waterjet is the ultra-high pressure water jet generator (commonly known as "high-pressure pump"), because a long time of working under conditions of alternating stress significantly, fatigue life is seriously affected, is the weak link in the waterjet cutting machine. Thus, EHV components manufacturing unlike conventional mechanical parts, materials selection, heat treatment requirements, special treatment process, etc., are very different. Existing waterjet cutting machine manufacturers, few master this technology.

1, High pressure system of waterjet cutting machine

This is closely related with the cutting materials, mainly to see the variety of materials, thickness, cutting surface quality and the cutting speed requirements. For example, 300 MPa high-pressure system can be used for cutting hard materials thickness in 30 mm or less; if the material rigid relatively high, you can choose 380 MPa high-pressure system, mainly because of its cutting ability, cutting surface quality, cutting speed and other aspects of comparative advantage.

2, CNC working platform of waterjet cutting machine

Equipment's CNC working platform mainly cantilever and gantry type, the advantage of the former lies in its motion institution and cutting platform is isolated, each other will not be affected, for the material size irregular, loading and unloading ways unfixed is very suitable; while the latter is just the opposite.

In the end to choose which kind, still need according to the size of the cutting materials. But KOS industrial equipment suggested that if you buy equipment is mainly used to undertake external cutting, cantilever CNC cutting platform can meet the requirements.

3, Other optional items of waterjet cutting machine

In addition to the two mentioned above, the waterjet cutting machine soft water processing, automatic sand delivery system are also very important, no point can not be ignored. According to the above description, in reference to their own actual situation, combination together of each part purchased, then, it is a waterjet cutting machine can meet the requirements.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Now the development trend of waterjet technology

At present, domestic water jet continues to rise, gradually breaking the monopoly of ultra-high water jet technology in developed countries, a number of related companies in the introduction of technology, continuous innovation, expanding the penetration of waterjet products, China's waterjet technology to a new level, the major research and development directions:

1, Parallel turbocharger high power system operating pressure can reach 600MPa, 200HP ~ 400HP power output.

2, Large precision CNC metal waterjet cutting machine for metal cutting working platform; X direction up to 5000mm, Y direction up to 10000mm and more; the control precision: ± 0.02mm; cutting accuracy: ± 0.1mm; X, Y direction motion speed: 0 ~ 15m; maximum pressure: 400Mpa; maximum power: 100HP ~ 200HP; cutting head count: 2-4.

3, NEWCAM software. The practice proves that using the appropriate CAD, CAM software can also improve a large degree of convergence "waterjet" cutting results, for which we introduced advanced waterjet dedicated CAM system - NEWCAM, CAD module with modular programming, automatic layout nesting, with corner automatic deceleration in CAM module, cut off automatic deceleration and other outstanding characteristics, through the corner and cut off point reduction program speed, resolve the situation of waterjet cutting due to the lag effect of waterjet caused the phenomenon of corner over-cutting and the end point of the program can not be cut, effectively improve the quality and efficiency of aided design and cutting effect.

4, Space curve cutting waterjet (robot waterjet), the robot waterjet can cut any space curve, the current is considered reliable to meet the needs of users a variety of cutting. "Robot Waterjet" has pure waterjet cutting system and abrasive cutting system, the user's use of the good, can completely replace imported products, and saving the user a lot of investment and operating costs. The product is the state-level new product projects by the community's concern and support.

5, Five-axis waterjet, although robot waterjet cutting head can be tilted to achieve the purpose, but the accuracy and rigidity are much weaker than conventional machines, can not be used for high-precision cutting. To achieve high-precision and no taper cutting and to do conical surface, circular surface, rotating surface, slope cutting, beat groove, chamfering cutting, etc., you must use five-axis waterjet machine.

6, Double / multiple waterjet machine, with high power pressure generating system match, can use multiple heads at the same time cutting mode, several times higher efficiency and less cost increase.

7, Using water jet direct drive pump, will gradually replace the ordinary booster pump, make the pressurized efficiency greatly increased, more simple structure, higher water pressure.

Buy our reliable water jet cutting machine parts for your machines replacement.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The high speed production efficiency of water jet cutting

Waterjet is mainly used for material cutting, water jet is actually a water flow, for cutting hard material it is how to do it? Although it is difficult to imagine, but it really is done, and complete effect is very good.

Waterjet this water flow is not ordinary water, but it is pressurized by a high pressure pump, then through the water jet nozzle made of some advanced carbide, sapphire and diamond to spout, so for cutting material easily. Of course, which also includes strict requirements on various aspects of water, pipes, nozzles and the like.

Such as pipes, due to the water need to have a high pressure to cut off the hard material, so the pipe must be followed to withstand extremely high pressures. This pressure is far greater than 700 MPa, that is, the pressure of the thin plate itself can withstand. And waterjet used water is also required, need to add the right amount of soluble emulsified oil, once as high as 1700 MPa pressure, high-pressure water spray to cut materials as the knife will become much easier.

1, Full-time cutting

This cutting method is to use a professional programming nesting software on a computer for entire plate and remaining material plate of programming nesting, and then by the cutting equipment for full-time cutting, which can effectively avoid programming nesting in CNC system , affecting the processing process, thereby reducing the production efficiency of the cutting machine.

2, High efficiency cutting

Mainly to the combination of these two methods, in the programming nesting software and CNC system to implement the co-edge, continuous cutting, borrow edge, bridging and other cutting processes, which is very favorable for reduce preheat perforation, so that the cutting equipment productivity will be increased, achieve the goal of high efficient cutting.

3, Automatic cutting

Automatic cutting process is mainly carried out in the CNC system, different from the traditional way of manually cutting, this process can be very good realization of automatic perforation and automatic cutting, productivity will be significantly improved.

4, High quality cutting

In the pursuit of efficiency but also pay attention to quality, high-quality cutting is a kind of cutting mode in programming nesting software and CNC system. It can remove excess entity, to avoid empty running and repeat cutting process, in order to ensure cutting machine smooth high-speed cutting, can also guarantee the cutting part closed, without distortion.

So many ways there is always a cutting method appropriate for your actual production needs, and every kind to improve the cutting equipment productivity are very effective.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Composition and advantages of CNC Waterjet Cutting Machine

A CNC water jet cutting machine consists of three parts: ultra high pressure water jet generator (high pressure pump), CNC machining platform, jet cutting head.

1, Ultra high pressure water jet generator (high pressure pump)

As the waterjet power source, the current common is the hydraulic motor driving the supercharger to produce ultra-high pressure water jet technology solutions. Ordinary tap water pressure increases to several tens to hundreds of MPa (1MPa approximately equal to 10bar), through the waterjet nozzle injection, with a very high kinetic energy.

2, Jet cutting head

High-pressure pump only through the beam nozzle to achieve cutting function. Nozzle aperture size determines the pressure and flow. Meanwhile, the nozzle also has shaped effect. Jet cutting head has two basic forms: one is the completion of pure water cutting, one is the completion of abrasive cutting. Abrasive cutting head, it is based on pure water cutting head, with an abrasive mixing chamber and hard nozzle configuration.

3, CNC machining platform

Currently, CNC waterjet mainly cutting flat plate. Cutting platform choose the rolling linear guide and ball screw as transmission, under the precise control of the NC program and control motor precise X-axis and Y-axis two-axis motion or alone motion, driving the cutting head to achieve a straight line and arbitrary curves cutting.

Waterjet cutting machine advantages:

1, Versatility, almost all materials can be cut.

2, Waterjet is a cold cutting, does not produce thermal effects when cutting, no distortion, no adhering slag, no erosion, will not change the physical and chemical properties of the material.

3, Small cutting slit, with the cooling cutting characteristics, can improve material utilization.

4, Cutting medium only water and natural abrasive, cutting process does not produce other substances, it is clean and green cutting process.

5, After cutting, the cutting surface is smooth and tidy, will not damage the cutting object during the cutting process, can realize cutting operation that many cutting tools can not be achieved.