Sunday, May 31, 2015

Ultrahigh-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts, to help you improve efficiency

How to create more than the usual value at the same time? There is no doubt that improve work efficiency. Now this society is the pursuit of efficiency society, the pursuit of speed society, only more efficient, and it will have effect. It is because of the emergence of this pursuit of efficiency society, a lot of high-efficiency products began to appear on the market, kos ultrahigh-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts is such an efficient device.

In recent years, with the maturity and the application expansion of "ultra-high pressure water jet cutting machine" (also known as "water knife"), which is gradually entering a growth period, which is also due to the rapid development of China's economy. High pressure water jet cutting machine is not limited to processing glass, ceramics, stone and other materials, wide range of applications. Meanwhile, the match of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts are also developing rapidly.

Ultrahigh-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts cutting accuracy is very high, this is the reason many people choose to buy it. It can be cut in accordance with the relevant requirements to achieve precision cutting, ensure that the products of component size, shape, in full compliance with the requirements set. Meanwhile, some cutting machine for cutting non-ferrous metals is no way, but the ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting machine parts can be achieved without reflective cutting. In addition, it can achieve a one-time cutting, improved cutting efficiency. In short, the high pressure water jet cutting machine parts is a worthy choice.

But above all generalities, so in the practical application, what are the advantages of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts?

First, the high pressure water jet cutting machine parts with high precision, for the machine tool operations can do precision, quality-oriented, able to reduce errors, ensure that the production process is carried out smoothly.

Second, it is possible to achieve high power work. It can operate under ultra-high pressure systems, realize the operation of high power. It can get the biggest upgrade of cutting energy, improve cutting efficiency, and make our cutting work smoothly.

In addition, it also enables automatic correction of the cutting, can avoid various defects, always ensure the quality of the products. Such characteristics can guarantee the cutting effect to achieve the most perfect degree.

KOS high pressure water jet cutting machine parts to make our cutting speed and quality have been improved significantly, it is the best helper to improve cutting accuracy. High-quality high pressure water jet cutting machine parts are your best choice to ensure the cutting to achieve the most perfect state, making manufacturing work to proceed efficiently.

Friday, May 29, 2015

By understanding the characteristics of the waterjet abrasive tube products and familiar performance

With the social and economic development, in line with the development and progress of heavy industry in modern society, more high-tech products in one generation has updated. As tools for cutting metal material, water jet abrasive tube, mainly used as a cutting instrument for a material. Our research and development of abrasive nozzles, mainly a relatively fine metal powder used as raw material for water jet abrasive tubes, finally to complete the task of cutting.

Water jet abrasive tube is mainly used relatively high-end technology, relatively high degree of finish of internal hole, the unique polishing properties of high-end technology to match the production of abrasive tube, the product features of this waterjet abrasive tube is that, abrasive tubes hardness is very high, and the density degree is very high, and the ability of abrasive tube wear resistance is relatively strong, high stability and the most important thing is service life is very long. Next, this article will be on the water jet sand mixing tube product characteristics were described in detail, hope to provide some help instructive.

Water jet sand mixing tube is mainly used in metal cutting, and for ceramic cutting, stone cutting, glass cutting, or can be used in some relatively hard material cutting field, its application field is very wide. About water jet abrasive tube characteristics of products our company design created the abrasive tube, the material used to obtain the US metal sector recognizes, wear-resistant material is very hard, and the use of a hundred types of sand tube designs, designed water jet abrasive tube product quality is very stable, complete specifications, many models, has been booked by many manufacturers.

In addition, the waterjet abrasive tube product features are also because of its relatively high-quality materials, processing technology is mainly used extraordinary performance of the technology, is consistent with the national technical requirements for abrasive tube, has become the country or even the world's water-jet industry standard products. The unique non-adhesive powder technology manufacturing, service life is very long.

All in all, the product features of waterjet abrasive tube lies in its work performance is relatively stable, and very wearable, very high degree of hardness, compare with the general tungsten carbide products, waterjet abrasive tube has very long service life.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The small maintenance method of ruby high pressure nozzle / orifice

Modern industrial production appeared in many kinds of different uses of high-precision instruments and accessories, these devices and parts can really bring a lot of convenience to our modern production, but also can provide more efficient equipment support for the country's industrial development. But these expensive equipment, instruments, accessories, also gave the producers some pressure on production costs, because of this, with these producers are more efficient equipment to take care of their equipment products. Here let us bring everyone together to understand - ruby orifice high pressure nozzle, this high-precision equipment parts and routine maintenance methods.

Cleaning most important

It can indeed improve processing efficiency when using high pressure Ruby nozzle, and may also be able to inject a different production dynamism for industrial production. However, high pressure nozzles Ruby orifice the use cost is not low, because of this, the producers should also complete the maintenance work for their ruby orifice high pressure nozzle when using.

High-pressure nozzles Ruby orifice maintenance methods are many, but one of the most important and most easily forgotten is timely cleaning ruby orifice high pressure nozzle, which in fact is the little things, the producer after use should immediately get the job done in order to avoid the production remnants of high-pressure nozzle ruby orifice corrosion damage.

And after cleaning, the user must dry the ruby orifice high pressure nozzle, placed in the drying, at room temperature, otherwise air humidity, high temperature high pressure gas will cause varying degrees of damage to ruby nozzle, affect the later use.

In fact, any device requires the user to regularly clean, just different products for cleaning requirements are different, but the user can not because of the trouble, and ignored the cleaning part.

As the high-pressure nozzles Ruby orifice cleaning work, in fact, this cleaning work is not complicated, just little things, but the producers as long as to improve the details, high-pressure nozzles Ruby orifice maintenance work is much more easily, but also conducive to extending the service life of high-pressure nozzles ruby orifices, and for the company's production cost savings.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ruby nozzle protection start from the details

Ruby nozzles are important production of spare parts and is the soul of water jet cutting machine device, it has an irreplaceable role in China's industrial production. At the same time, it also promotes the efficiency of industrial production in our country. However, sales in the market, the ruby nozzle price is not cheap, precisely because of this, we need to pay more care in the daily use of ruby nozzle, but also careful, to avoid unnecessary human damage. Let us work together to understand the daily care methods of ruby nozzles, but also hope that the people who can get more understanding of this.

Cautious use

Ruby nozzle internal structure is quite complex, ruby nozzle surface structure material is also somewhat fragile. Because of this, when using the ruby nozzle, the user should be cautious to treat the product equipment, in order to prevent the equipment damage, in the use of deviation, resulting in the loss of production.

And with a ruby nozzle material processing, users have to know in advance whether processed materials and Ruby nozzle will produce a chemical reaction, if there is a chemical reaction, should immediately stop using it.

Moreover, the device idle time, the user should remove the ruby nozzle, after cleaning save it in a dry place at room temperature, to prevent improper ambient humidity, temperature of the ruby nozzle damage. In addition, relevant personnel in the ruby nozzle dismantling should gently in order to avoid unnecessary damage.


The ruby nozzle also need to be cleaned before use, to ensure the high efficiency and high precision of the ruby nozzle in the use. However, the cleaning of the ruby nozzle is also a certain requirement, the improper cleaning step will also make the ruby nozzle subject to varying degrees of damage.

But in fact ruby nozzle cleaning steps are not jumbled, just use water to rinse, then ruby nozzles inside with a soft cloth or sponge strips to dry, can also be put into use immediately. But when cleaning should avoid the use of corrosive cleaning agents, to prevent the ruby nozzle internal structure changes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

One of the most powerful water jet cutting machine parts - Waterjet sand tube

Waterjet sand tube is one part of composed water jet cutting machine, with other accessories together service for the waterjet cutting machine, so that water jet cutting machine capable of cutting materials to facilitate us, waterjet cutting machine without water jet sand tube will lose the role, so we must pay attention to the maintenance of the water jet sand tube when maintaining the waterjet cutting machine, so that the water jet sand tubes will serve us, then what's the advantages of waterjet sand tubes?

One, high hardness:

Waterjet sand tube is made of carbide powder, processing with stringent production processes, sintering technology is currently the world's most advanced, which makes its own density is very high, when in use without fear of high pressure could have a negative impact, you can rest assured that its use in the waterjet cutting machine to withstand ultra-high pressure, and always be able to provide us with a stable effect, so that we do not have to worry about with the emergence of longer time leakage phenomenon, its high density, high hardness quality completely block out the drawbacks.

Two, high wear-resistant:

Making material of waterjet sand tube itself has high stability, after forming a sand tube its high quality makes it high wear resistanance, in the use do not need to worry about the emergence of the defect, and it will increasing the sand tube life, its high degree of internal smoothness makes it to withstand high pressure while it is not easily damaged, because in the production of the aperture is also used ultra-high technology, pore polishing technology, which technology will be able to make its internal very smooth, not easy to wear and tear, so that we have a very stable quality waterjet sand tube. This is also one of waterjet sand tube advantages.

Careful study of waterjet cutting machine manufacturers -KOS Precision Machinery Co., waterjet sand tube, we will find more of its advantages, before we just talk about a few of the more common, we all know the water jet sand tubes are important for waterjet cutting machines, so each company at the time of production will have a very fine production steps towards better it will be produced, which is why we see waterjet sand tube has so many advantages, and making process using advanced technology.

Only the every parts are doing very well to make up a relatively perfect equipment, so when we buy waterjet sand tubes must pay attention to its own integrity and functionality, for our choice is the best, if everyone for where to buy waterjet sand tubes feel overwhelmed, you can go to the waterjet parts manufacturers - KOS precision Machinery Co., Ltd., believe there waterjet sand tubes must be able to meet your requirements.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Water jet cutting machine parts manufacturers - the place bring excellent accessories for us

Since the emergence of waterjet cutting machines around us helped us solve a variety of cutting problems, make glass, ceramics and other cutting around us easier, which also contributed to the sales of waterjet cutting machines, with waterjet cutter usage increase, there will be some minor problems need to replace its parts, which makes people must contact the waterjet parts manufacturers, to buy accessories, let us look waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturer - kos production waterjet cutting machine accessories now!

After kos production of waterjet cutting machine parts installed to the waterjet cutting machine can cut glass and leather, etc., can be cut in many types of products, use the production of waterjet cutting machine will not produce heat reaction, after the completion of cutting the product will not be deformed, debris falling situation will not occur, because the water temperature is not high when use waterjet, so after the cutting finished, the chemical nature of the product does not occur any changes, it's still retains its own character.

Careful observation of the products after cutting, we will find that the gap is very small, material after cutting almost does not have any loss, and therefore the material utilization after cutting by water jet cutting machine will be very high. Waterjet cutting use the material is water under high pressure, without any impurities in the material being cut, and thus is the cutting tool in line with the environmental requirements.

Through the previously described advantages of waterjet cutting machine, we can see the powerful water jet cutting machine parts, after all, if parts of the function is not strong, can not have such a large role in the following combinations, so the water jet cutting machine accessories we have to be carefully selected, believe kos waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturers waterjet Parts sales will not let you down, its rigorous production process, the use of technology is very advanced, so that the quality waterjet parts are able to guarantee service life can be extended indefinitely, so that everyone in the use of water jet cutting machine will not regular replacement parts, very convenient.

The above is some introduction about our waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturers - KOS Precision Machinery Co., the production of waterjet parts, I hope everyone after reading our introduction will have a new understanding, believe that the company will be able to bring you more and better products.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

High-pressure ruby nozzles - you will enjoy the powerful cutting process

Contact glass cutting or other hard materials cutting will know that a high-pressure water jet is device after water pressure to cut glass and other materials, its cutting nozzles are usually made of a variety of precious stones, among them the most commonly used and the best effect is the high-pressure ruby nozzles, can complete the material cutting work we need under perfect condition, the how about the role of the high-pressure ruby nozzles? We look at it together!

High pressure water jet at work, its internal pressure is very large, which for the high-pressure water containing material with the new requirements, this is one of the reasons we choose Ruby in the nozzles production, because of the ruby's hardness and wear resistance is very strong, it is possible under high pressure and maintain its own way, to be worn or broken will not happen, so that everyone after the transmission of high-pressure water to its internal do not worry about it will not stand the pressure and cracked. Although the use of water jet and the water is very clean, but the interior is certainly contain impurities.

With high pressure water jet transmit the water containing impurities to the nozzle, the nozzle will be exposed to a variety of impurities, if the nozzle quality is not high, corrosion resistance is not strong, it is likely that in contact with the increase impurities will be corrosion, with corrosion intensifies, it will affect the effect of high pressure water jet cutting, which is the reason we use ruby in the high-pressure nozzle production, it is also an important role. Using Ruby as the nozzle of high-pressure water jet can be capable of cutting hard and non-combustible material, since many hard materials will not heat to melt.

Of course, for combustible materials cutting work, high-pressure water jet can be done, too, after all, from the ruby nozzle out of the water temperature is not high, less than ignite flammable material, on the basis of not melt flammable material completed its cutting work, of course, in our lives, there are many hard materials are easy to fire and explosion, the cutting process can not have a little heat, high pressure water jet cutting has become the best choice of their work, can successfully complete their cutting work, of course, its uniformity and fineness of the cut surface can be so perfect, high-pressure ruby nozzles are closely related, but also other material nozzles can not be replaced.

Any of the products before the market is after scientists continue to research and test, so the various parts of the production and the choice of materials must be reasonable, after all, scientists are after numerous improvements to draw molding products, which also determines the role of ruby nozzle in high pressure water jet must be very strong, otherwise it will not be installed to high-pressure water jet cutting machine by scientists.

Friday, May 22, 2015

To understand high-pressure water jet - inevitably start from the high-pressure water jet parts

High pressure water jet is able to have such a large cutting function, which inseparable from the work closely with its various parts, in everyone use high-pressure water jet usually first be some understanding, and the understand the must began from the parts, so understanding the high-pressure waterjet parts which becomes the steps we have to go through, here we are together to learn about it!

In fact, a set of high-pressure water jet equipment accessories generally can be divided into three parts, one of which is the high-pressure pump, which is the power source of the high-pressure water jet to work, After we inport the tap water into the high-pressure water jet officially by the high-pressure pump increase the water pressure to dozens of times of usual, so when we use high-pressure water jet must pay attention to the high-pressure pump maintenance and repair, after all, if the high pressure pump strikes, then high pressure water jet as the loss of gasoline cars, can not be used, loses its own role.

Another part of the high-pressure water jet is processing platform, that can drive waterjet cutting head movement is to achieve waterjet cutting material control device, works just like the hands of a TV remote control in general, we can not change the channel without the remote controller, if there is no high-pressure water jet equipment processing platform, when we cut the material can not control the movement of the cutting head, can not cut the material according to our needs, the entire high-pressure water jet equipment will not work, so when we used in peacetime should pay attention to check its processing platform.

During operation, if there are any flaws or minor damage should be repaired, if the problem is too big, we should consider replacing its problematic parts, so that each function can operate normally, this is second part of the answer about what the problems of high-pressure waterjet accessories.

The cutting head is another part of the high-pressure water jet, also perform part of its cutting materials, high-pressure water jet only with high-strength, high hardness of the cutting head in order to complete work on a variety of cutting hardness of the materials, cutting head is water flow path, water flows after the high pressure pump pressurized through the cutting head ejects, its strength is enough to cut a number of hard materials, the cutting head aperture width can affect the outflow of water pressure, so in the choice of high-pressure water jet accessories need to pay more attention to its pore size.

The above is our discussion on high-pressure water jet three important parts, I believe everyone through the front of the understanding, will be able to find all parts of high pressure water jet has a clear division of labor, together to complete the high-pressure water jet cutting work, only the quality of the individual parts can be guaranteed, in order to ensure the high pressure waterjet for our service.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Some problems when using high-pressure water jet cutting

High pressure waterjet compared to other cutting methods have more advantages, such as high cutting precision, simple operation, low cutting costs, cutting a wide range, it has so many advantages that the effect of the various high-pressure water jet accessories used in conjunction. High-pressure water jet cutting is good, but also we need to take care of and regulate the use of. So, when using high-pressure water jet cutting machine what issues need to pay attention to?

First, cutting material thickness

When using a cutting machine, we have to according to the thickness of the cutting material, choosing the right cutting head. Because when the material thickness is less than 2.5, use a medium or large cutting head, the output of cutting is not high. So be more prepared several cutting head, a reasonable choice according to the material.

Second, cutting encountered air gap

If at the time of cutting, leaving gaps between the material and material, when cutting, the water jet nozzle of the water column in the air gap rapidly diverge, leading to the cutting surface roughness, thus affecting the cutting results. So cutting to keep the material flat laminated together.

Third, using underwater cutting

When the cutting of some special materials, you can choose underwater cutting operation, thus reducing the atomized of the material surface caused in water jet cutting process, when underwater cutting, because of reduced visibility, so it can be combined with the use of electronic monitor of high pressure waterjet parts such cutting accuracy can be improved.

Fourth, control production costs

Each manufacturer wants to control production costs, and therefore, many manufacturers will choose to lower the cutting rate to reduce costs, it is wrong. Want to reduce costs, we must speed up the cutting speed, so need to use maximum power to speed up the abrasive jetting rate.

Fifth, increase or decrease water pressure

If the cutting material is glass, stone and other composite materials, it is necessary to increase or decrease water pressure to change the cutting speed, otherwise, much higher pressure may cause damage to the material.

Sixth, the use of water need to filter

Water as raw material for cutting, economic and environmental protection. However, before cutting, the filter system must be used to filter the water, filter the impurities in the water, and prevent the impurities from nozzles wearing, affect the cutting effect and reduce the service life.

These are some issues need to be aware of in the use of high pressure water jet cutting, in actual production, with good use of high pressure water jet parts, improve production efficiency and production quality to a greater extent. There are many small problems in production should pay attention to, which need to constantly pondering and thinking in practice.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The main analysis of the water jet abrasive nozzles ten years in the future development trend

With the expansion of China's reform and openness, China has gradually become the economic center of Asia and the world. Chinese people's living standards gradually improved, people are more willing to invest in some kind of products to get rich profit report. Now in China's investment market, there are a lot of people willing to invest in the water jet abrasive nozzles. But every industry and even the production of every product, has its own unique characteristics and development trend.

We only have mastered the future development trend of waterjet abrasive nozzles to be able to better investment waterjet abrasive nozzles. In recent years, Chinese waterjet abrasive nozzles demand is growing, and now kos for everyone to analyze and explain the next ten years development trend of waterjet abrasive nozzles.

First, the technology is more advanced, and gradually began to production with the international trend. China backed the Asian continent and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, convenient transportation, but also has the support of the Chinese government's policy, which had to make opportune. Therefore, the introduction of international advanced technology, waterjet nozzles production technology is more advanced. At the same time many companies are beginning to produce goods for the international market, with the international production trend.

Second, the demand for water jet sand tubes growing, while production of waterjet abrasive nozzles technology gradually advanced, waterjet mixing tubes now have a broader range of applications and use of space. At the same time the rapid development of Chinese economy, has become the basis and power of waterjet abrasive nozzles rapid growth in demand, resulting in the water jet abrasive nozzles market once appeared to outstrip supply, so in this case the investment waterjet sand mixing tubes production is very favorable.

Third, waterjet abrasive nozzles production more environmentally friendly and low-energy. In response to the call of the national energy saving, and now water jet abrasive nozzles production have changed the high pollution and high energy-consuming production methods, not only to reduce energy consumption and so on in the production process, and change the water jet nozzles the process of using extreme water resources waste situation.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Waterjet cutting machine parts in the process of using need to pay attention to what

Now, in the international market, many consumers for a variety of purposes to buy waterjet cutting machine. But often, water jet cutting machine price is much higher, after the buyers purchase, will hope waterjet cutting machine has a long service life. But waterjet cutting machine parts are very susceptible to wear and tear. In this case, we should pay more attention to the use of water jet cutting machine parts. Here we come to you briefly describe the use of water jet cutting machine parts need to pay attention to what.

First, before we use waterjet cutting machine, should check the water jet cutting machine power lines and associated equipment whether there has been damage to ensure in the use process no accident risk, while ensuring that the water jet cutting machine parts in themselves should be equipped with position, to avoid accidents.

Secondly, in the use of water jet cutting machine parts need to handle gently to prevent the machine or spare parts of the case is dropped or subjected to violent impact. And when the water jet cutting machine parts are not used, they should be placed in a cool dry place.

Third, when cleaning water jet cutting machine parts, you should use wet or stained with neutral detergent soft cloth to clean. After the cleaning is completed, we should pay attention to use the a dry cloth clean and wipe waterjet cutting machine accessories surface, to prevent the situation because the water jet cutting machine parts long-term exposure to moisture appear rusty, the effect of water jet cutting machine accessories or waterjet cutting machine normal use. And cleaning work should be done regularly by the person, can not be arbitrary, casual work cleaning water jet cutting machine parts.

These are our waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturers edited for you about waterjet cutting machine parts in the course of problems that need attention, hoping to be helpful to everyone. In fact, water jet cutting machine parts as a device very easy to wear, we need to be very careful to use, to be able to avoid unnecessary losses. In addition to the above listed three things that we need to pay particular attention to the use of water jet cutting machine parts, there are a lot of things we need to care when using waterjet cutting machine parts.

Monday, May 18, 2015

To understand the water jet cutting machine parts, make the cutting process become more fine

Studied mechanical knowledge knows that, no matter how large the machines are made of small component parts, each small part inside the machine's execution of its mandate, which complement each other so that they are completed one another cutting task. Waterjet cutting machine is a high tech product, although complex structure, but also componented by small parts.

Every accessory in waterjet cutting machines are very important, and their quality assurance of the quality of the entire waterjet cutting machine. So waterjet cutting machine parts had already entered the eyes of major companies, in the market for waterjet cutting machine parts is quite fierce competition. How to choose the high quality waterjet cutting machine parts? In fact very simple, and that is to choose a well-known enterprises.

Well-known companies to survive in the market, naturally has its own unique charm. And an enterprise in order to have the charm convinced the market need to work hard on the quality of its products. So we chose a well-known enterprise and cooperation, then we do not need to headache for water jet cutting machine parts quality.

Some may say that the original is the best choice, in fact, not all. Although the original of the suit has a unique advantage, but is still damaged in production, which shows the parts of their own quality problems.

The cutting process is actually a screening process, if an accessory in the cutting process is very easy to damage, we will begin to doubt its quality, so the original is not the best, and most suitable is the best, this concept in choosing kos waterjet cutting machine parts is very important.

Waterjet parts basically can be divided into two categories:

The first category is the standard accessories, the so-called standard accessories can in fact be understood as a spare tire, standard accessories can give it some auxiliary role in the cutting operation in different ways, promoting the cutting quality of precision.

Another Waterjet Parts is called optional accessories from the name you can see that this is just a dispensable accessory, even without the accessories for waterjet cutting machine is also able to normal operation. But there is a saying that "Born to win", optional accessories can enhance the ability of waterjet cutting machine.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The quality of the high pressure water jet parts - the magical realm we can not ignore

Before we introduce the advantages of high-pressure water jet parts for everyone, we want to analyze what is high-pressure water jet. This principle is both simple and complex, when the water is pressurized to a certain amount, you can use the impact of this pressure to cut down something, for example, paper, diapers, stationery. And when some accessories are added, such as some gravel, we can take advantage of the tremendous impact of high pressure water jet to cut some of the very hard materials like steel, this is the high-pressure waterjet works.

The most important point, is the first point, we want to share the advantages of a high - pressure waterjet parts is this: These high pressure water jet parts are through the layers of technological breakthroughs and eventually made, they are technical crystal, but also a symbol of human intelligence, we should not ignore its source, we should not ignore human greatness.

We often use one word to describe a high quality product, it is crafted, and kos high-pressure water jet parts have such advantages, it is the result of many technical achievements summarized and refined into, after layers deleted and selected, in a number of scientists, engineers, and then crafted, high-pressure water jet and finally show the world out.

Finally, we hope to analyze the final advantage of high-pressure waterjet parts: their quality is guaranteed, so that everyone can have a high-pressure waterjet tool accessories with a quality guaranteed.

Quality for each consumer is very important, is the quality of our pursuit of enjoyment, and the quality guarantee for quality enjoyment is the most important, this is the basic level we can not ignore, we believe that only such a high quality of high-pressure water jet parts is everyone largest selection.

We can tell you the advantages of a high-pressure water jet parts only these, I hope you will like our presentation and hope that everyone can make a profit, but also hope that when everyone buying something, be sure to pay attention to such a principle, that is choose the most outstanding products, this is worth to pay the trust, is the possible long-term use, and is stand the test of time.

Friday, May 15, 2015

What are the characteristics of water jet cutting machine accessories

Do not know if you have not heard, waterjet cutting machine parts are tools in many industrial applications can not be missing, it has gained a lot of people's favorite, it is to become everyone's no way to let go of the demand. Waterjet cutting accessories has many advantages that we have no way to ignore. But we know a lot of friends for the waterjet cutting machine parts features still no way to accurately grasp, then, let us use this platform to analyze and we hope that our analysis can let everyone get the knowledge they need to know also we hope that our analysis can let everyone acquire the knowledge they want to get, and get some meaningful enlightenment.

KOS waterjet cutting machine parts have a lot of features, let us answer it for everyone one by one, first of all, it has high level of NC, the NC can be formed by a variety of complex patterns, so that helps us solve many complex problems and increase a large extent of our work.

Secondly, we hope that everyone remember the next waterjet cutting machine parts characteristic is that waterjet cutting machine parts are cold cutting, does not produce any heat effect, so it will improve environmental protection quality, so that environmental protection index higher, no toxic gases and dust generation, so we talk about the advantages of waterjet cutting machine parts are vast.

Finally, we would like to introduce a waterjet cutting machine parts characteristic is water jet cutting machine can cut some of the composite materials, it is the only cutting method of some brittle ceramic materials, which all of us are very concerned about the most important advantage for the waterjet cutting machine. Such positioning can help people to cut those fragile materials, so that they safely cutting ceramics and other materials, no worries.

We introduce a total of three waterjet cutting machine parts features, we hope our presentation is that all everyone need and expect, in that case, we thought that we can provide the appropriate help.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Water Jet Technology Application Wide Range, Good Effect!

Water jet technology using waterjet parts manufacturers to produce a variety of waterjet accessories, produce a bunch of high-speed flow, through a tiny nozzle jet out, can have a tremendous energy, which acts on a variety of materials, can complete the material cleaning, cutting, peeling and so on.

Use water jet technology for cleaning and industrial processing, not only can improve operational accuracy, improve operational efficiency, but also to ensure that the environmental protection without pollution during the operation process, and low cost of production, can effectively reduce operating production costs. Water jet technology for industrial production has so many advantages, then water jet technology has what specifically applications? Waterjet Parts manufacturer gives some information.

First, the glass deep processing

Traditional industrial technique for glass processing, not only the existence of certain errors, but also consume a large amount of manpower and material resources, production efficiency is not high. Therefore, the use of water jet technology with the high pressure components producted by Waterjet Parts manufacturers, turbocharger, nozzles and other products, can effectively make the machine in top working condition, so that the water jet technology to play the best glass processing results.

Second, the high pressure water cleaning

Ultrahigh-pressure water cleaning requires water jet under the role of intensifier pump, generating tremendous pressure, spray super high-speed water jet, has a huge energy water jet can efficiently get rid of stubborn dirt on the surface of material, in order to achieve effective cleaning effect. Waterjet Parts manufacturers to produce a variety of high-pressure cleaning equipment applicable to mechanical products, to ensure that the work of cleaning equipment is stable, reliable, and high efficiency. Even in relatively poor working environment, but also to ensure a long service life of cleaning equipment.

Third, the aerospace field

Aerospace field machinery manufacturing in the material processing requirements are very high, the accuracy of each component requires a strict control. Therefore, in the processing of these parts requires high precision machining equipment. Therefore, the use of high-pressure water jet cutting machine equipment, can effectively ensure the high precision machining of aerospace parts.

Fourth, the stone stainless steel processing

Industrial production of stone and stainless steel processing require high cutting precision, water jet cutting device can be of stone and stainless steel and other materials for smooth cutting, high cutting efficiency, the material does not appear edging phenomenon after cutting.

KOS company is a professional manufacturer of waterjet parts, the production of waterjet parts used in various fields, especially in the field of water jet technology application to ensure the efficient, fast, high-quality production.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Occupy the high-pressure water jet market, starting from the most basic parts

With the development of science and technology, people are more and more comprehensive use of water, high-pressure water jet is such a technology. People make the water flow through the high pressure to produce a very high speed, so that the object can be cut, if added sands in the water, then can cut metal and other materials. One can imagine, so convenient and easy to use technology is so popular. However, want to have a high quality of high-pressure water jet, precision parts essential. KOS is committed to providing high-quality high-pressure water jet parts, to create the perfect high-pressure water jet.

High pressure waterjet parts are very simple, but it requires quite rigorous process, only in the details foolproof to ensure the success and safety of users. In general, high-pressure waterjet parts are on three sides are very important, let's take a look at those well-made precision parts.

First, high pressure pump

It is no exaggeration to say that is the power source of the entire high-pressure water jet, loss of high-pressure pump water jet also completely lost the role, even if a little damage to the high-pressure pump, can also cause unpredictable disaster to the plant. High pressure pump will be through its own water pressure change for dozens of times higher than that of the normal state or even higher, in order to achieve the water jet effect. So, in a high pressure water jet parts, and it has a very high status. In everyday use, we can not ignore the high-pressure pump maintenance and repair, it is the only long-term solution.

Second, cutting head

Cutting head diameter once again affected the flow intensity, so in the choice of high-pressure water jet parts, be sure to pay attention to the strength of the cutting head and aperture size.

Third, processing platform

This part is to drive the cutting head motion, it can be said is the whole system control device, like a remote controller, without it, the high-pressure water jet machine will not be able to move, let alone cut.

Because there are all of these high-pressure water jet parts, in order to have the very sharp and convenient high-pressure water jet. In a variety of industry, such as gem cutting, surface treatment, aerospace, high-pressure water jet can be used.

It is because of its practicality, and promote a number of production of high pressure waterjet parts companies, which manufacturers - KOS Waterjet Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a precision instrument with high quality, prestige model, to ensure the most rigorous attitude to create the most sophisticated high-pressure water jet parts, so that all consumers at ease, comfortable.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ultra high pressure water jet cutting machine parts have different types

Ultrahigh-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts are waterjet indispensable accessories, not in this industry for water jet cutting machine should not be very understanding, waterjet cutting machine is mainly used in agriculture, industry and so on, the main function is cutting objects, in particular flat objects, cutting effect is very good, very efficient, and will not affect the appearance of the surface of the object. Ultrahigh-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts are many types, and each of the different types of parts in waterjet cutting machine plays a very important role, indispensable.

Then high pressure water jet cutting machine parts have what kinds?

First: the high-pressure turbocharger

In the water jet cutter, the high-pressure turbocharger is a basic part have to use, in the waterjet cutting process, the need to have a great pressure, so it can make the water in waterjet hose through a nozzle can stimulate large pressure, the moment will be able to play a role in cutting the object, thus turbocharger is the necessary conditions to ensure the smooth waterjet cutting.

Second: Waterjet Parts Repair Kits

Waterjet during use, inevitably bound to be some failures, there Waterjet Parts repair kits can play a good role in the maintenance, if without repair kits, the mechanical equipment problems are difficult to repair, such as the special screws, or devices without specific repair tool can not be screwed down, must use a specific service packages. Waterjet Parts Repair Kit is the very large role parts of ultra-high pressure water jet cutting accessories.

Third: alloy pistons

Alloy pistons in waterjet cutting machine is mainly acts as a barrier, in the task of cutting process, hose water if there is no pressure to stop it, in the case of improper use will cause the hose bending, by alloying piston can stop the pressure very well.

Fourth: high pressure pipe

High pressure pipe and high pressure turbocharger effect is almost the same, in the use of water jet cutting machine, first through the pressure transformation, which is the high pressure supercharger role played, then by high-pressure pipe migratory pressure, finally released through a nozzle.

These four high pressure water jet cutting machine parts just some of many types of Waterjet accessories, the different nature of Waterjet Parts not play the same role, the various parts interact, combination and play the best cutting effect.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Talk about the waterjet cutting machine indispensable accessory - cutting head

Waterjet cutting machine is a piece of equipment more commonly used in many fields, it can be used for cutting stone, glass, metal, etc., and cutting effect is very good. For such a popular device, of course, we have to ensure that it can be used any time, but in order to achieve this purpose, water jet cutting machine parts ready on the essential. Waterjet cutting machine parts are many large and small kinds, in which the cutting head is an indispensable accessory of waterjet cutting machines.

As everyone knows, unedged knife cannot for cutting, cutting head for water jet cutting machine is concerned that such a reason. Waterjet cutting head is a very important machine parts, it is executive component for the material to be cut. what kind of materials can be cut by waterjet cutting machine, the key to see equiped with what kind of cutting head, which is the different waterjet cutting machine parts can provide different effects for the waterjet cutting machine. Waterjet cutting machine in order to cut all kinds of hardness materials, so in the selection of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts, we need to choose a cutting head with high strength and high hardness, so that it can complete the cutting work.

According to the principle of water jet cutting machine work, we all know that it is using water pressure to cut materials. Then what kind of relationship between water and the water jet cutting machine parts cutting head? In simple terms, cutting head is the bearer of the water, which is the water flow channel. Water after the high-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts pump pressure will flow to the cutting head, through the cutting head sprayed water like a sharp sword, the pressure is strong enough to cut some of the hard materials.

Because waterjet cutting machine parts cutting head in waterjet is the water flow passage, so the cutting head of water pressure also plays a certain effect. That is, the pore size of the cutting head affects the out water pressure, different pressure for cutting different materials, so equipped with a water jet cutting machine cutting heads may equipped with some different aperture, in order to spare.

Through the above introduction, believe that everyone on the kos waterjet cutting machine parts - cutting head has a general understanding. As a separate component, the cutting head may be inconspicuous, but as waterjet cutting machine parts, it has an important role. Waterjet cutting machine has a "universal cutter" reputation, but also to rely on the cutting head.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Proper maintenance methods to extend the life of the waterjet cutting machine parts

Many companies for its own products manufacture need to be equipped with waterjet cutting machines, and this thing has always been expensive, so how it can be used for a longer life has become the most important issue to ensure the greatest degree of interests of the company, which it is known, the daily use of water jet cutting machine parts maintenance and repair is very worthy of attention. The following notes are experiences provided by the KOS, to help consumers resolve waterjet parts wear and replace too fast problems.

First Note: Check before use. Before we start the waterjet cutting machine, be sure to observe careful whether its power connection is correct, the line is tainted line wires, breakage and other problems, only to prepare in advance in order to avoid the risk of damage or casualties. Before use to make all kinds of accessories to stay in their own positions they should stay, step by step, in an orderly way.

Second note, handle gently. When in use, we must prevent the impacts on water jet cutting machine and other phenomena, more can not let it fall to the ground, as long as it fell on the ground, basically need to be sent to the maintenance. In the usual place water jet cutting machine parts should also pay attention to gently, put the parts in a safe place, to avoid accidentally falling or human impact caused great loss of accident.

Third note, real time cleaning. After using waterjet cutting machine need to wipe clean its parts, to keep it clean. Even if there is no use this period of time, remember to let the staff regular cleaning, so as to extend its life. Furthermore, there are also a lot of attention point in the process of wiping, little attention will commit a big mistake.

For example, you should first use a wet soft cloth to wipe, to bring the body surface impurities and dust and other things, then use a clean dry cloth to wipe the whole ocean, bringing the overall moisture, to prevent humid environment corrosion, water jet cutting machine parts rusty phenomenon. In addition, the cleaning liquid is the best neutral liquid, acidic or alkaline may cause corrosion.

Only in every detail to do the best, will not lead to man-made unnecessary wear and tear. If you are tired of these all the minor details, please come to KOS to buy waterjet cutting machine parts, not only the highest quality components, as well as the most professional customer service team to solve your troubles of after-sales maintenance knowledge to ensure that you can easily use for a long time.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Master purchase skills, waterjet nozzles help high-pressure waterjet efficient play

Waterjet abrasive nozzle is one of commonly used high-pressure water jet parts, also one of the important parts of the high-pressure water jet. Accessories are high pressure waterjet cutting machine's work support, good parts are bound to favor high-pressure waterjets play a better effect. The so-called half the work with double results, for waterjet nozzles, equipped with high-pressure water jet good waterjet nozzle would surely have better effect than equipped with general waterjet nozzle. Therefore, when equiping a waterjet nozzle for high pressure water jet machine, must carefully choose, seeks to choose the most suitable nozzle. As a result, the use of high-pressure water jet can achieve a multiplier effect, which can improve the work efficiency.

So how can we choose for our high-pressure water jet cutting machine to the most appropriate waterjet nozzles? It was started from the high-pressure water jet and nozzles two aspects. Why should proceed from the high-pressure water jet itself? For example, to pick the right clothes for yourselves, so we must first understand what kind of clothes you are suitable for, so in order to get the heart of clothing. So, before buying the waterjet nozzles, we must first understand clearly applicable types of high-pressure waterjet nozzles, determining the purchase of the primary standard, and then to buy.

Buy waterjet nozzles also have certain skills, master these skills to buy, you can buy cheap and fine waterjet nozzles. Tips to buy first is reputation, shop around is a timeless purchase skills, but shop around first got to the range is selected, how to select? The answer is to look at reputation. Generally good reputation brand of its product quality guaranteed, and quality is an important measure to buy goods.

Buy waterjet nozzles skills of the two is to look at cost-effective, not the only expensive thing is a good thing, there are some affordable good quality stuff exists. In this regard, those buyer need to comprehensive consideration of various factors. Buy waterjet nozzles skills of three is to look at the manufacturers, good manufacturers, not only product quality guaranteed, after sales service can be guaranteed.

These are the kos introduce skills for buying waterjet nozzles. Good tool needs to have good parts, want to get good parts need to choose carefully, master the skills how to buy the most suitable waterjet nozzles, will be able to play a high-pressure water jet effect and lay a solid foundation, so that the effect of high pressure water jet to get the best play.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The difference of the ruby nozzle than the sapphire and diamond nozzle

Speaking of Ruby, which in many people's eyes is either a high-end home decoration, or the lady who wear shiny jewelry, but in addition there is the gorgeous decorations side, Ruby can also be used as part of industrial supplies. Faded gorgeous appearance, ruby in the industry also has a role can not be overlooked, one of which is ruby nozzle use in high-pressure water jet plays an important role.

Ruby nozzles for high-pressure water jet has what kind of important role? High pressure water jet nozzles can only use this kind of material of ruby gems?

First, about the role of ruby nozzle for high pressure waterjet, that is the ruby nozzle can translate the water pressure of high pressure water jet into the water speed. The use of high-pressure water jet flow cutting although the need to raise the water pressure, but not complete cutting is the use of pressure, but the use of another kind of water energy, namely the water speed. In the high-pressure water jet, helping pressure into the water speed is relying on ruby nozzle, water flow through the orifice in the middle of the gem, which is the transformation of water flow, the water flow out of the nozzle in at least two Mach movement of objects cutting.

Described above is the effect of high pressure waterjet ruby nozzle. In fact, in the choice of high-pressure water jet using gem materials, in addition to ruby, and sapphire and diamonds. So, What is the difference between the ruby nozzles and sapphire diamond nozzles?

Ruby nozzles, sapphire and diamond nozzles of the three nozzle materials have unique properties. First, the cost, ruby nozzle and sapphire nozzle roughly the same, prices are between 15-30 US dollars / piece. The diamond nozzle opposite would much more expensive, substantially higher rubies and sapphires 10-20 times. Then on the application of the terms, ruby nozzles both suitable for pure waterjet and abrasive waterjet, and is particularly suitable for abrasive waterjet, compared to the sapphire and diamond nozzles, the cost performance is higher.

Through the introduction above, believe that everyone for gem stones have more understanding, understanding to the other side of the gem, also understanding the important role of ruby nozzle for high pressure waterjet, at the same time learned ruby nozzle than sapphire and diamond nozzles it is a high cost performance of gem nozzles. If you want to know more, you may wish to consult the KOS waterjet nozzles, can get more answers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Select waterjet mixing tubes improve the cutting effect, what are the specifically advantages

Water jet mixing tubes used in cutting technology, it is widely used in the market, occupied a large market. That What are the advantages of waterjet mixing tubes? Why would occupied a large range in the market? Now many cutting industry needs waterjet mixing tubes. Function and effect of the water jet mixing tube is very good to use in the cutting. Specific advantages in what areas?

1, Highly functional

Highly functional water jet mixing tubes, not only can improve the cutting quality, but also improve the performance of the device. Use water jet mixing tube so that the cutting effect is very good, a lot of companies need. In fact, not only use water jet mixing tube to the cutting, in other areas is also needed, so waterjet mixing tube also has a strong versatility.

2, Can repeatedly use materials

When cutting, use waterjet mixing tube is very good, can make the material cutting very accurate, do not waste the resource materials. The remaining material can be reused. Waterjet mixing tube is a resource-saving product, do not waste a lot of materials, this is the reason why welcomed by business.

3, Will not damage the material

Because the water jet mixing tubes at the time of cutting is very accurate, so it will not damage the appearance of the material. Water jet mixing tubes at the time of cutting is using the technology of cold cutting, so when cutting would not worry about the heat effect affect the shape of material, but also to ensure the cutting effect.

4, Will not affect the performance of materials

When using water jet mixing tube cutting not only does not damage the material appearance, but also will not affect the performance of the material. Waterjet cutting machine tool mixing tube is possible to improve the cutting effect of the cutting machine, to avoid the appearance of changes in the external factors affecting the performance of the material, thus ensuring the quality and effect of the materials.

These are the advantages of waterjet mixing tubes. Waterjet mixing tubes in machining tools, can improve the precision, is the preferred product. When using water mixing tubes must pay attention to the details, so that each part can achieve the best performance, so as to enhance the cutting technology and the effect of final cut. Of course, we must analyze cutting speed before cutting, grasp the cutting degree, to reduce the range of error, so as to reflect the value of water jet mixing tube.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

High Pressure Waterjet Parts in the daily use of the process, should pay attention to what maintenance details?

High pressure water jet cutting as a high-precision equipment, its parts also have the fine features. High Pressure Waterjet Parts for routine maintenance, has been the focus of attention of many businesses. We all know that anything that only by adhering to routine maintenance and repair, we can use more long-term. Here we take a look on the high-pressure waterjet parts of routine maintenance.

For high pressure waterjet routine maintenance, we summarize the following points:

First, at the first time of test running machine, we recommend that the operator in accordance with strict requirements for high-pressure water jet equipment start-up procedures, and in accordance with the provisions and the right to use of related accessories.

Second, it can not perform high-pressure water jet equipment idling for a long time, so not only will cause some damage to the device itself, will also give a certain degree of damage to the High Pressure Waterjet Parts. It is not conducive to long-term use.

Third, if the equipment is not used for a long time, high pressure water jet parts should be cleaned with water. This avoids when using again can not normal operation, causing stagnation to work, so the economic interests of businesses suffered damage.

Fourth, we should regularly check the performance of high-pressure water jet parts, and regular cleaning and maintenance. To clean the fouling among accessories and the ash existed. So as to maintain the performance of high-pressure water jet parts to meet our requirements. This is very important in the high-pressure waterjet parts routine maintenance.

Fifth, if you find a high pressure water jet part for damage or unusual circumstances, should inform professional maintenance personnel to deal with. Not privately disassemble or repair, so easy to damage the equipment.

The above points are summarized we focused on the high-pressure waterjet parts routine maintenance, hope to help you a deeper understanding of how to maintain high pressure water jet parts and other problems. Want to buy high-pressure water jet equipment, we suggest that you have to choose a professional regular manufacturers, so not only can avoid buying inferior products, the more you can have the perfect after-sales service.

Monday, May 4, 2015

How about the high-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts price? What are the factors that determine?

In waterjet cutting machines, the use of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts are many types, every waterjet cutting machine part plays a very important role, the different types of parts at prices are not the same. For consumers, the parts quality is very important, but at the same time, the price is also a very important consideration.

KOS is a specialized production high pressure water jet cutting machine parts manufacturers, the use of design technology in high standards, excellent material, to create the perfect, superior quality waterjet cutting machine parts. While KOS can offer a wide variety of different types of water jet cutting machine parts in terms of price cost-effective, very affordable, the majority of users are very trusted parts production enterprises.

Here, we will talk about in the waterjet industry, how about the high pressure water jet cutting machine parts prices?

Different brands produced waterjet cutting machine parts in the price difference is very large, different enterprises in the production of high-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts used the process technology level are not the same, it also determines the parts prices are not the same, every company has its own price required standards. Not expensive goods the quality is the best, when consumers buy goods, be sure to pay attention to how commodity price kind, production and use is whether the most convenient, this is a very important point.

Different properties of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts prices are not the same, different performance determines Waterjet Parts has the force is not the same, at this point, also determines how the quality of parts, the higher the performance, then the corresponding parts quality is certainly good.

High-pressure water jet cutting machine parts price level also related to the products attributes, such as the different properties parts use the production materials are not the same, such as blue goop and ruby nozzle belong to the waterjet parts, but between the two of price difference is very large, making the material used in the composition of both, or the role is a great difference, rubies are valuable mineral elements, and substance superior performance, with very good hardness, and therefore in terms of price, of course, more expensive than blue goop.

These are related to high pressure water jet cutting machine parts prices information, through these information hope to help people in need, high-quality waterjet cutting machine parts in KOS.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

What is the role of waterjet parts, whether to improve the efficiency of production?

Waterjet Parts and waterjet mechanical equipment are major used in combination, played the role of cut, in large manufacturing industry, waterjet series use frequency is very high, in terms of the production industry, waterjet is an indispensable tool, since the use of the water jet, it is bound to use the water jet parts, water jet parts are part of the waterjet machine, if waterjet cutting machine without waterjet Parts, then itcan not work properly, twaterjet parts play a crucial role. Waterjet Parts manufacturers are very much on the market, and therefore in the category very rich, saying "shop around", but so many brands, which for consumers, will fall into the do not know how to choose.

It will face a direct question, Which Waterjet Parts manufacturer is better? As long as they get to know this issue believe that consumers will be very aware of their need of a water jet parts, water jet parts manufacturers are very much, this article is to introduce KOS waterjet parts production factory, KOS has many years of research experience in cutting machine, the company hired experts on domestic and foreign professional cutting machine, manufacturing production of ease of use, superb craftsmanship waterjet Parts products.

The following KOS experts to introduce the waterjet parts effects?

First: cutting objects

Waterjet Parts largest effect is the cutting action, Waterjet Parts of the cutting blade must be very sharp, sharp knife to make cutting more convenient to provide efficiency.

Second: strong and effective handling perfect cutting gap, do not see the cut marks

Waterjet Parts is extremely important for water jet cutting machines, water jet cutting machine industry, the cutting is a very high standard of work, which requires cutting workers are able to perfect the object cutting, as if there has been no cutting to achieve this state, is the most perfectly cut levels. If you want to have such an effect, not only need the cutting master has superb technology, but also need another condition, the perfect combination of waterjet cutting machine. Excellent water jet cutting machine needs waterjet parts first-class production, so as to cut the best works.

This is the waterjet parts manufacturer KOS for the introduction of Waterjet Parts, for the user, only enough to understand the use of the object, we can make better use of it, should play some role in waterjet parts, so waterjet Parts can play the maximum effect.