Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Safety valve to protect the water jet use of safe

Let's talk about safety issues with waterjet safety valve.

Waterjet cutting machine in terms of safety to do very well, because it has a security guard, and that is the safety valve. Safety valve, as the name suggests is to maintain security, to ensure that the equipment can work smoothly. Its main role is to carry out a security alarm. When the device is unexpected, the pump pressure will exceed exclude high-pressure or ultrahigh pressure range, then high pressure liquid, it will break the preset pressure of safety valve spring and open the valve, alarm and decrease pressure.

But do not underestimate this line of defense, but it is the last line of defense to maintain the system safe operation, although it is only in order to prevent an accident might happen and settings, but after the safety valve once debugging, do not remove the seals again.

Overall, the safety valve for the waterjet cutting machine safety, played a certain role in safeguarding, from its design, we can see, people pay attention to safety issue in production.

Learn more about the waterjet cutting machine parts base knowledge please come to kos waterjet nozzles.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Situations will damage the waterjet gem nozzle

Waterjet cutting equipment in metal processing or stone processing is a very important cutting tool, so when we buy not only to look at its price, but also pay attention to its life, especially on those easily damaged waterjet parts, such as gem nozzles. In fact, the use of gems are different, mainly with what several factors. Let's talk about this issue with you.

The first is the quality of the water used for cutting, generally use tap water, but there is a lot of impurities in tap water, may have an impact on waterjet gems, reducing the use time of the gem. Therefore, the purity of the water must be guaranteed, if necessary, can be considered to increase the filter water equipment.

Secondly is the purity of waterjet sand, sand we buy are generally garnet sand, but if you do not trust the purity of it, you can use some automatic sieve sand filter.

The thickness of cutting material, because at the same time of waterjet cutting material, it will produce a reaction force, acting on the waterjet gems, gem nozzles will have to wear. The greater the thickness of cutting material, the greater the force, the more serious damage to the gems.

And the quality of the gem itself, due to price reasons, many people still choose domestic gem. However, due to a wide variety, in the choice of time to distinguish, as far as possible to choose the high cost performance of gems.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Waterjet cutting machine classification and safety

Water cutting is the use of equipment pressurized water to generate momentum to achieve cutting. The pressure is divided into high pressure and low pressure types, generally with 100Mp as the limit. More than 100Mp is high-pressure type, less than 100Mp is low pressure type. We come with you to talk about waterjet classification and safety.

Waterjet cutting classification of device: divided into large waterjet cutting and small waterjet cutting. The classification of technical principle: divided into pre-mixed type and after mixing type. Large waterjet cutting belong to ultra-high pressure class, usually the pressure above 380Mp. Due to its cutting principle is: water after pressurizing, in the position of the cutting gun through a gem nozzle, use flow speed drive abrasive, and then through cutting nozzle spray water and sand mixture to achieve the object cutting, this method due to the use of water hammer to drive the abrasive, it will lose a lot of energy, resulting in high power, low efficiency. Low pressure waterjet cutting, also known as portable waterjet cutting, because of its use of water and abrasives at the same time pressing way, pressurized water and abrasive spray out of cutting nozzle at the same time, so it has low power and high efficiency.

Waterjet cutting pressure and safety

Since the waterjet cutting mainly depends on the pressure and kinetic energy to achieve the object of cutting, after a lot of experiments it was found that when the pressure exceeds a certain threshold, even if pure water will put some sensitive chemicals detonated, and abrasive waterjet cutting due to water containing abrasive sand, the sand potential and impact and object collision, the energy produced will lead to instability in specialty chemicals, after a lot of experimentation and demonstration, the conclusion that the threshold at 237.6MP. Therefore, in waterjet cutting industry, people for the 200MP above waterjet cutting is mainly used in the machining industry.

The low-pressure waterjet cutting due to its low pressure, usually less than 50MP, far below the safe threshold range, so it can be used in special areas. Such as: cutting processing of explosives, detonators, artillery shells, aerial bombs, oil and gas pipelines, chemical products, coal and other fields. Waterjet power is very strong, and in the process of using pay attention to safety.

More reliable waterjet cutting machine parts please come to kos waterjet parts manufacturer.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Keep in mind the matters of safe use of waterjet

Waterjet is a kind of ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting technology, its strong cutting ability and cutting adaptability are the basis for people to choose waterjet. In addition, waterjet cutting no thermal effect, no deformation, smooth cutting and other excellent features. Waterjet as a ultra-high pressure equipment in the manufacture, of course strictly a good sealed and high pressure protection measures. Waterjet is a very efficient machine, but in the use process pay attention to safety, otherwise there will be accidents, here we tell you that the matters of the safe use of waterjet.

First, the waterjet work mainly by CNC cantilever or gantry movement drive the cutting head movement to complete some patterns. Therefore, in the near vicinity of the CNC cantilever prohibit staff, in order to avoid accidental injury; and also to avoid interference objects around the cantilever. Waterjet cutting head is high pressure water outlet, and a direct role in cutting the material, therefore, to ensure cutting materials have been placed smoothly, or prone to cutting sand tube damage, severe cases can lead to high pressure water leak, resulting in personal injury.

After completing the process, be sure to turn off the high-pressure water first or high pressure switch is closed, then the reclaimer. When emergency power failure, high-pressure water will remain in the high-pressure system, once the power on, the remaining high pressure water will spray, therefore, at this time do not close to the cutting head. After turning on the power supply again, the high pressure water will be discharged.

Second, to ensure the safety of high-pressure pipelines. In general, high pressure pipe and turbocharger will not go wrong, prone to problems, mainly high-pressure water leaks. Therefore, in accordance with instructions for use, from time to time to replace the seal assembly. At the same time, choose reasonable water cutting way, concerned about whether there is high pressure water leakage, once discovered, immediately press the emergency stop button, the high pressure system to stop working. In addition, the high-pressure cooling system is also noteworthy. High pressure system at work due to the compression and friction will produce high temperature, if not efficient cooling, the seal assembly and a variety of high pressure components of life itself will be affected, for a long time at high temperature and high pressure system of life will greatly reduce, but also easy to produce dangerous, so some products with a high temperature protection, higher than the set temperature, the system automatically stops, to ensure safety. For no temperature protection function, the device requires the user to focus on temperature changes, in case of emergency.

Finally, waterjet usually has a predetermined high pressure range of use. Waterjet pressure is adjustable. Rated 300MPa high pressure water jet, if long-term work at full capacity, water jet wear will be great, generally at the time of steel plate thickness 2cm in 260Mpa, will achieve the desired speed and effectiveness, the general use of 260-280Mpa is the best. There is pure water, if the water impurities can clog pipes, also will damage the device, even accidents.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Difference of non-abrasive waterjet and abrasive waterjet

There are many kinds of water classification, to add sand to points: divided into non-abrasive waterjet cutting and abrasive waterjet cutting. Facilities to points: divided into large waterjet cutting and small waterjet cutting. Let's look at the difference of non-abrasive waterjet and abrasive waterjet.

Below we discuss the case from the waterjet abrasive, waterjet different classification.

1, Non-abrasive waterjet

Non-abrasive waterjet cutting is a way to use water directly cutting, non-abrasive waterjet cutting started to be applied to corrugated board business. A large number of users use the non-abrasive waterjet cutting disposable diapers, tissue paper, and automotive interiors. When cutting the tissue paper or paper diapers, non-abrasive waterjet operation generated a small amount of water vapor less than in contact with or artificial respiration cause water vapor. For general non waterjet cutting process caused by unplanned downtime to diapers or tissue paper producers resulted in a large number of economic losses. The water jet device can provide above industrial applications throughout the day, the week, the annual safety use, maintenance operations can be arranged into production.

Non-abrasive waterjet features:

Very fine water jets (usually thickness of 0.1mm to 0.25mm); can be processed very complex graphics; when cutting material loss is very limited; not hot cutting; can cut very thick materials; it can be cut very thin materials, cutting usually very fast, able to cut soft, reflective material (for example, thickness 6mm glass fiber insulation parts), produce extremely small force, simple fixing clamp, all-weather operation.

Non-abrasive waterjet cutting head

In the waterjet cutting process, the cutting process the material can be described as a supersonic etching process. Not because of pressure, but because of their speed of water jet itself to cut portions and fine particulate of material. Pressure and speed are two different forms of energy. So, how pressure is converted into water speed of such forms of energy? The answer in a little gem, a high pressure water flow through the gem orifice and the pressure will be transformed into speed.

For standard cutting operation, the non-abrasive waterjet gem orifice diameter in the range of 0.1-0.25mm.

2, Abrasive waterjet

Abrasive waterjet and non-abrasive waterjet exist some differences, non-abrasive waterjet by water jet etching material, and abrasive waterjet by accelerating water jet and sand jet, sand jets accelerated to etch the material, abrasive waterjet energy is non-abrasive waterjet thousands of times. Of course, non-abrasive waterjet and abrasive waterjet applications have their respective areas. No Abrasive waterjets can cut soft materials, abrasive waterjet can cut hard materials, such as metal, stone, composite materials and ceramic materials.

Abrasive waterjet features:

Exceptional universal cutting technology: no hot reaction zone, no mechanical stress, easy to program control, very fine water jets, can process very complex graphics, processing of thin-walled materials, 10 cm thickness of material processing, laminated processing, cutting cause very little chip, workpiece-holding fixture is simple, small cutting force (less than one pound), simply install one cutting head, it can be processed almost all of the work, easy to upgrade from a single cutter head into a multi cutter head, can fast change non-abrasive waterjet into abrasive waterjet, reduce the operation of secondary processing, no noise.

Abrasive waterjet cutting head

Abrasive waterjet used sand is a hard sand, particularly screening and fine mesh sieve press obtained. The most common sand is garnet sand. Garnet sand is a hard, wear-resistant and inexpensive sand. Different mesh abrasive sand used for different requirements of operation: 120 mesh - Manufacturing smooth surface; 80 mesh - common, general purpose; 50 mesh - cutting faster than 80 mesh, of course, the cutting surface will be more rough.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Waterjet cutting compared with other cutting technologies

Ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting characteristics

Any material can be arbitrary curves one-time cutting (except waterjet cutting other cutting methods will limited by the variety of materials); cutting does not produce heat and harmful substances, materials without thermal effects (cold cutting), after cutting don't need or easy to secondary processing, safety, environmental protection, low cost, high speed, high efficiency, enabling arbitrary curves cutting, convenient and flexible, and wide range of uses. Water jet cutting is the strongest applicability of cutting process. Below with the analysis of the waterjet cutting and other cutting techniques.

Comparison of waterjet cutting and laser cutting

Laser cutting equipment investment is large, now mostly used for thin steel plate, some non-metallic materials cutting, faster cutting speed, higher accuracy, but laser cutting at the slit will cause the arc tracking and cause thermal effects; also for some materials, laser cutting is not ideal, such as aluminum, copper and other nonferrous metals, alloys, especially for thick sheet metal cutting, cutting surface is not ideal, even can not cut. People present research on the high-power laser generator is trying to solve the thick steel plate cutting, but the equipment investment, maintenance and operational consumption costs is also very considerable. Waterjet cutting small investment, low operating costs, cutting a wide range of materials, high efficiency, easy operation and maintenance.

Comparison of waterjet cutting and plasma cutting

Plasma cutting has obvious thermal effects, low accuracy, the cutting surface is not easy secondary processing. Waterjet cutting belongs to cold cutting, no heat distortion, good quality of cutting surface, no need secondary processing, if need is very easy for secondary processing.

Comparison of waterjet cutting and wire cutting

Machining of metal, wire cutting has higher accuracy, but the speed is very slow, and sometimes need to use other methods for perforation, threading and then can be cut, and the cutting size is very limited, waterjet cutting can be of any material drilling, cutting, fast cutting speed, flexible processing size.

KOS waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturer offer you the reliable waterjet nozzles and orifices.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The quality of the waterjet sand is critical

Waterjet can cut very hard things, which the role of waterjet sand contributed, its quality plays a key role.

Waterjet sand is used for water jet cutting, a high-pressure water jet abrasive, its quality and cutting speed, cutting effects are inseparable, so learn how to identify good or bad quality waterjet sand is critical. If the waterjet sand quality is poor, due to the rough process, impurities or large particles exist in the products. If long-term use will not only damage the cutting machine's nozzle, but also reduce the cutting precision, and often replace the damaged nozzle is an additional cost, the cost of production will increase.

To distinguish the quality of waterjet sand, first hand rub can try to determine the hardness, and then stirred into the water, by observing the water dust and ineffective fine-grained content to judge the merits of products.

In fact, if you can try it, you will all understand. Because the good quality water sand will not cause plug phenomena in the waterjet cutting process; and cutting speed displayed on a cutting machine is relatively fast; additional cutting effect is more ideal, not only good accuracy but also cutting surface straight and smooth.

More quality and wear resistant water jet nozzles for sale here.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Waterjet parts / waterjet cutting machine routine maintenance

Waterjet parts and water jet cutting machine routine maintenance is very important. It is directly related to the waterjet parts and water jet cutting machine life and cutting performance.

1, Waterjet parts and waterjet cutting machine should be placed in ventilated and dry place, avoid moisture.

2, Waterjet parts storage room and water jet cutting machine room should not have corrosive gases.

3, Waterjet gearbox lubrication should generally be six months once, and should be regularly add lubricating oil to the transmission shaft.

4, Rainy day do not use water jet cutting machines and waterjet parts outdoors, to prevent the electrical system be affected with damp and cause an electric shock accident.

5, Waterjet Parts and waterjet cutting machine should be done the outside clean-up inspection before use, the body, the cutting torch and must adjust the gap between the moving parts, not loose; meanwhile to check whether the loosening fasteners, if loose should timely tighten.

6, Cutting worker break or leaving the workplace for a long time, the power must be cut off to prevent the motor overheating and burned out.

7, Waterjet cutting machine must have a person responsible for maintenance and regular maintenance. After work should do the cleaning work.

8, When found in the waterjet cutting machine commutation failure, can use the method of replace the fuse, repair the pressure switch, replace the clutch pressure wheel or replace the motor and control circuit elements to eliminate.

9, When found in the waterjet cutting machine trolley car walking instability with skid phenomenon, should guide processing straight, repair or replace the active roller, increase the weight of the car.

10, When the circuit voltage is too low, can use the voltage regulator to increase the voltage.

11, When the water jet cutting machine knead arm profiling gas cutting machine magnet wheel does not turn, should replace the fuse, repair pressure switch or replace the motor and control circuit elements.

12, When the water jet cutting machine rocker arm type profiling cutting machine magnet wheel slip fault, shall repair or replace the magnet roller, an appropriate increase in the thickness of the sample or removal of foreign matter in the rocker arm shaft and adding lubricating oil.

In short, only do a good job of waterjet parts routine maintenance, in the using process of the machine to give full play of the use performance, meet the technical requirements of the cutting process.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Waterjet cutting machine is widely used, its advantages

Today, waterjet cutting machine in today's production has been widely used, perhaps a lot of people wonder the Waterjet Cutting Machine can really make the water turned into a knife, a cutting process freely! In fact, water jet technology is by ultra high pressure water flow as the cutting medium, whether hard substance or other substances can be ease of cutting. And waterjet is a "cold" cutting process. For each process does not produce harmful gases, and does not make physical changes are cuttings happen! So, waterjet cutting machine has the advantages of only these? No, in fact many advantages of waterjet cutting machine, let waterjet cutting machine manufacturers kos with us to enjoy the advantages of the waterjet!

1, Waterjet versatility: compared to other cutting process, waterjet cutting technology because of with water as medium, so almost all of the materials can be cut, versatility is the reason of waterjet cutting machine widely used by people!

2, Clean and environmental protection: I have already said, the water jet cutting machine medium is water with natural abrasive, a cutting process does not produce other substances, for general cutting process will always generate a lot of heat, not only the cutting object Generate Some changes in the physical properties, but also some harmful gases, to objects and people are harmful!

3, Can improve material utilization: the above is also said, waterjet is a cold cutting technology, the slit is small, and it's cooled cutting characteristics, for the utilization of materials will also be greatly improved!

4, Smooth incision: water jet cutting the material the cutting surface smooth and tidy, because not be any damage to the object to be cut, so cutting completed there is no need to process, for our production greatly improve production efficiency.

5, High cutting accuracy: we all know that most of the time, a miss is as good as a mile, water-jet cutting machine CNC system operation, for the cutting precision can minimize errors!

With the continuous development of the times, we need more efficient production models, need to make production more efficient, facing with so many advantages of water jet cutting machine, we have no reason not to choose it!

KOS top quality waterjet cutting machine parts wholesale with best prices for you.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Regular testing of water jet cutting machine is the key to ensure our production

Today, waterjet cutting machine has been widely used in various fields, and we all know that we in the industrial operations often use cutting technology, and the traditional cutting technology for us not only will make the object to be cut some physical changes, and in the cutting process will produce some harmful gases. Waterjet cutting technology is completely avoid these problems, then how can we make waterjet cutting machine is more conducive to the production? Let Waterjet Cutting Machine manufacturers tell how we make waterjet cutting machine is more beneficial to our production!

We generally in the use of water jet cutting, the cutting head and delivery system maintenance are not effectively protected, this is likely to be some security risks, so when we processing must also be regular testing of waterjet cutting machine system, to ensure its best condition is also more conducive to our production!

First, we need to constantly open water flow at low pressure, take a look at the flow situation of gem nozzle. Normal water flow should be symmetrical, if widened flow phenomenon occurs, then we need to pay attention, and this shows that we have a nozzle may be bad, if not promptly replaced by a new one, very likely to cause serious damage to the cutting head inside , then for our production will also bring serious inconvenience!

Second, the need for regular testing of the cutting head for wear and damage of the case, but sometimes the signs cause these factors are not easy to find, so when the detection requires careful viewing. And these seemingly small problems for production is also very important, we all know precision instruments little error will cause big mistake, if we are not concerned for the production of these is also very negative!

Third, sand delivery system consumable parts require periodic inspection and replacement.

In fact, these are some of the most basic waterjet cutting machine testing, of course, it was only our regular testing to makes the machine with more conveniently, so also is the true beneficial to our production, so that regular testing of water jet cutting machine system is the key to our production!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Good quality, long life of waterjet sand tube

In recent years, ultra-high pressure water jet cutting technology has been applied in various sectors of production workshop, due to the waterjet cutting nozzles at high pressure waterjet cutting machine parts abrasive cutting withstand extremely high pressure caused by water sand flow, while the water sand flow very fast, so the water jet sand tube requirement is very high, it requires materials and design techniques for sand tube must be able to meet the requirements, so as to improve the wear resistance and prolong life.

Abrasive waterjet tube is used for cutting metals, ceramics, stone, glass and other objects, the cutting effect is good, below, kos staff will introduce relevant content of sand tubes in system, hoping to help consumers better understanding of the sand tube.

Waterjet sand tube because with abrasive is accelerated, accelerated abrasive for internal sand tube has a lot of wear, so usually choose wear-resistant material for water jet sand tube. Sand tube material must be based on good abrasion resistance and need to have a high hardness, general will choose a composite tungsten carbide material as sand tube raw materials. During the process, in order to get good quality sand tube, but also for serious processing in shape, size, and design aspects of the process of tungsten carbide.

High quality waterjet sand tube with simple structure, composed of two sections, namely a tapered inlet and cylindrical outlet. Its high positioning accuracy, and it applies to different situations, commonality good, you can choose different sizes depending on the application. Sand tube used in the workshop so that products can quickly molding, without the help of other machine tools, which greatly improves the working efficiency. The cutter head strength of sand tube is high, shape with four cutting edge, effectively prevent the cutter relieving and extend the life of the sand pipe.

Waterjet sand tube life is relatively short, generally about 80 hours to 150 hours, it's life in addition relate to the material and design of the product itself, but also relate to the pressure of waterjet equipment, abrasive materials and so on. However, if in the use process choose reasonable abrasive, and keep the water jet nozzle and sand tube neutral to ensure that the jet is in the best position to prevent the occurrence of eccentric wear, it will be a very good extension of sand tube service life.

Sand tube is the key component of abrasive water jet, KOS over the years has been working on high pressure abrasive water jet sand tube development, continuous product improvement, expect to get longer life and more stable performance products.

Through unremitting efforts, kos waterjet sand tube with high-quality materials and perfect design process by the majority of customers praise and love, good stability, strong practicability, long service life, and is a good helper for the completion of ultra high pressure water jet cutting. KOS expect that you can buy our products, your trust and choice is our continuous improvement and forward momentum.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Complete waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturers

Waterjet Parts manufacturer - kos specialized in various high-pressure water jet cutting machine parts sales, our accessories include sand tube series, gem orifice series, cutting head, pressure fittings, valves and pressure pipe fittings and handling tools. KOS waterjet parts choice more generic brands and series, can be widely used for Flow, Dardi, Weite, Golden Arrow and Boao and other brands of equipment, kos over a full range of accessories, good generality, good quality, kos is a good place to select accessories.

Water jet cutting machine is a device with ultra high pressure water jet to the object of cold cutting, its main components of high-pressure pump, CNC machining platform and jet cutting head, each part are composed of a variety of water jet cutting machine parts. Water jet cutting machine with its superior cutting capacity, are widely used in various fields of cutting, mainly ceramics and other building materials processing, glass processing, metal cutting, and advertising signs and other materials cutting, the "universal cutting machine" reputation.

Waterjet cutting machine in addition to versatility, able to cut a variety of materials; Because it is cold cutting, in the cutting process does not change the shape and chemical properties of the material itself, but does not produce harmful substances, environmental protection and clean. At the same time, the use of waterjet cutting objects, small cutting slit, reducing material losses. There is a very important point is that after cutting the cutting surface is very smooth, no damage to the cutting object, to the greatest degree of assurance cutting effect.

Waterjet cutting machine during use, should pay attention to the safety stock of parts, in order to avoid due to lack of parts caused equipment cannot be used. For the gem orifice should regularly observe the water under low pressure, to avoid nozzle damage or dislocation caused internal damage to the cutting head. For the cutting head should be regularly checked for wear and the wear degree, ensure the cutting effect. Waterjet cutting machine parts the pipes and fittings are all expendable parts, should be promptly checked and replaced, so as to ensure the sand transport system is not exposed to air.

KOS here to remind everybody that the use of water jet cutting machine, the greater the pressure, the better the cutting process, the cutting speed will be faster. In cutting work, although waterjet cutting machine can cut a variety of materials, but the practical application is a focused, when cutting non-flammable materials, such as marble, ceramic tile, glass, and flammable materials, it is irreplaceable. We should be specifically selected according to specific circumstances.

Waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturer kos and provide consumers with the most professional technical support as well as the most complete waterjet cutting machine parts, welcome everyone to buy. With years of experience in sales and installation experience, our waterjet cutting machine accessories has a comprehensive and profound understanding, if you do not know what kind of equipment and parts you should choose, you are welcome to come to counseling.

Monday, June 15, 2015

KOS teach you how to choose good high-pressure water jet parts

High pressure waterjet applications in production and living more and more widely, it will be used in many fields. Its strong cutting ability and environmental clean features let it welcomed by more and more people, and some special materials, only the use of water jet cutting to be able to guarantee the cutting effect. The use process of high pressure water jet, some parts need to be replaced, and the purchase of these parts has become a major issue of high-pressure water jet cutting machine parts used.

kos professional manage various high-pressure waterjet parts business sales activities, in kos website waterjetnozzles.com you are sure to find your required accessories. The main high pressure waterjet parts with ceramic / alloy piston, accumulator plug, high pressure check valve, inlet valve, high pressure cylinders, waterjet turbocharger, sand tube, gem orifices and so on.

Waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturers kos high-pressure waterjet accessories range is very comprehensive to meet the needs of the vast majority of machines. Because a wide range of accessories, and a mixed bag of quality, below, kos staff will introduce how to memory high pressure waterjet parts purchase, hoping to help you buy the right accessories.

High Pressure Waterjet Parts during the purchase process, should put the quality of parts in the forefront. Because the parts quality will directly determine the life of parts and efficiency of waterjet, poor quality parts could in a very short period of time and need to be replaced, and the replacement parts means increased costs and decreased productivity.

So, be sure to choose reputable waterjet parts manufacturers produce parts, so the quality can be guaranteed. In addition, we need to pay attention to the after sales issue, whether Three Guarantees and so on, good after-sales can be timely for us to solve the problem, do not delay too much time and effort.

High Pressure Waterjet Parts purchase on selection is not difficult, kos remind consumers when making a purchase, according to your own waterjet situation for a reasonable choice. High pressure waterjet of different brands and types of the required parts may be not the same, so combined with high pressure water jet itself was a reasonable purchase.

Also, do not blindly pursue low-cost, every accessories are a cost, low price of accessories may mean the product quality doesn't pass, such accessories will not only affect the efficiency of the work, may also bring damage to the high-pressure water jet equipment itself.

Waterjet cutting machine manufacturers kos has been engaged in high-pressure water jet and other precision machinery sales, kinds of kos high pressure waterjet parts complete, and because we were able to contact factories directly through special channels, so our products quality and price are very good.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The use of waterjet sand tubes can effectively reduce the cost and improve the efficiency

With industrial development, engineers have been trying to cut costs, we are committed to finding new advantages. Waterjet technology has many unique features and benefits. Understanding of the waterjet and the waterjet inside sand tubes this advanced technology, you can have the opportunity to take advantage of these advanced equipment to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Waterjet cutting machine can greatly reduce costs, It is widely considered to be the most versatile, the fastest growing and processing technology. Waterjet use in the world has been very extensive, into the various fields. It is complementary to other techniques.

Waterjet sand tube cutting technology is very safe, green, without the use of toxic gas or liquid, it does not produce toxic substances or vapor in the course of work. At the same time after used waterjet cutting surface without leaving any remnants or does not produce mechanical deformation. Waterjet is a recognized truly versatile, while very efficient cold cutting technology.

Waterjet has been widely used in various cutting applications, more and more people are finding waterjets can do things that other technologies can not handle. In the cutting of stone and metal, fast drilling, cutting food, and even sterilization areas play a unique role.

Dr. Norman Franz is the father of the waterjet. He is the world's first ultra-high pressure water jet cutting tool research people. Higher than 1300 Pa are we seen as high-pressure, Dr. Franz wanted to invent a method for cutting trees. In 1950 he tried to suppress water flow with a heavy thing, allowing water to flow out from the hole to generate high pressure, high-pressure jet of water that can then be used to cut the branches. He later in-depth study of how to make more a continuous flow of water, but he wanted to build a more continuous high pressure is very difficult. Meanwhile, under the pressure of oppression, corruption of waterjet sand tubes and other parts is unusually fast.

Dr. Franz failed to produce a wood cutter can be widely used, but his ideas have influenced later generations, a lot of people realize that cutting the material with high-pressure water is feasible.

In 1979, Dr. Mohamed Hashish discovered the enormous power of high pressure water jet and future great value. He began to study in laboratory of increase waterjet cutting energy, thereby more efficiently cut metal and other high hardness materials. Due to the use of garnet sand this material as a waterjet tube sand, water jet played a great power, almost can cut any material. Thereafter, the water jet was first used to cut metal concrete and glass.

Currently, the waterjet has successfully commercialized, is widely used in various fields, even in aerospace science and technology, water jet also play a huge role. Like high-strength stainless steel, titanium and other materials, which cutting is very difficult, extremely high accuracy requirements, only waterjet cutting can easily complete accurately, and efficiency is very fast, but also environmental protection, does not produce harmful substances.

Friday, June 12, 2015

How the water jet cutting accomplish hard material cutting?

With the development of technology, more and more machine tools, use more widely. According to waterjet cutting machine parts manufacturers introduced, used for material cutting, water jet is actually a stream of water, it is difficult to understand the water also can be used in cutting hard materials. So for the hard material how the waterjet cutting accomplish? Although it is difficult to imagine, but the waterjet really easy to do it, and complete effect is very good, better than other cutting tools.

Waterjet discharged water is not ordinary water, but water first enter the high-pressure pump, after the water pressure, and then through some very high hardness fine nozzle orifice jet out, this strong flow of water with high pressure cutting the material easily. Of course, this particular device waterjet strict requirements on various aspects of water, pipes, nozzles and the others.

Pipeline, due to the water through a high pressure pump carries a high level of pressure, so the pipeline and flow of water also withstand the extremely high pressures. Pressure is far greater than the thin steel sheet can withstand the pressure, so the steel can easily be cut. Waterjet with water and also have a special request, to add the right amount of soluble emulsified oil in the water, and water in high pressure pump under pressure up to 1700 MPa, at such a high pressure spray of water can be as the knife cutting material.

As technology advances, the waterjet function also gradually improved, more and more users also recognized the value of this cutting method. Waterjet use and popularity in the same time, we need to continue to study, mainly to reduce costs, so that we can buy inexpensive water jet.

The latest study found that, by increasing the waterjet's pressure can effectively improve waterjet cutting capacity, and relatively low cost. Waterjet cutting machine manufacturers take advantage of these advanced high-presure technology, constantly pressurized water jet can produce continuous high pressure water, then through nozzle jet out with high cutting force, and the power is very high, relatively energy-saving, to abrasive material consumption is not large, the cost will be much lower.

The key is to engage in a waterjet efficiency is particularly high, it can save a lot of time. What time does that mean? Time is money, extra time can create more value for more profit. At the same time the high-pressure water jet is also a water-saving equipment, energy efficiency has a special advantage.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Advantages of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts embodied in what areas

Today, this society, all things are the pursuit of efficiency, in order to make our work efficiency has been a major upgrade and improvement to create more value, high pressure water jet cutting machine parts applications can bring many benefits and help, let our manufacturing work more lasting proceed normally. In order to allow the device to better apply, kos followed by the members talk about the advantages of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts.

First, it's cutting accuracy is very high, in accordance with the relevant product requirements to achieve precision cutting, ensure that the shape of the parts produced conform to the related requirements; second is for non-ferrous metals and stainless steel cutting, it enables non-reflective cutting, will not cause much impact and damage; again it can achieve one-time cutting, to ensure compliance with the relevant shape manufacturing; and finally this cutting method suitable for many occasions, such as the low melting point, flammable materials cutting, special venues cutting and high hardness and insoluble materials cutting and so on. All in all, the advantages of this high pressure water jet cutting machine parts is very clear.

In practical application process, the specific advantages are:

First, high-precision CNC machine tools:

This cutting machine can achieve high-precision cutting, in the CNC machine tools used process, can be accurate, quality-oriented, the error can be controlled within a minimum range, to ensure measurement more regular and reliable to proceed.

Second, high power work:

Advantages of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts is also reflected in its ability to operate under ultra-high pressure system that can achieve high power operation, to ensure the cutting machine more efficient and reliable operation. In the use of the process, we need to increase the energy of water, so it can make cutting energy is a major upgrade, to achieve the perfect cut. On the other hand, under the same conditions, this ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting machine accessories can make cutting energy is a major improvement, because it take full advantage of parallel technology can effectively improve the cutting efficiency, so that our manufacturing work more normally reliable proceed.

Third, it is possible to realize automatic correction cutting:

In order to improve the cutting effect, improve the cutting ability, our ultrahigh-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts has the advantage that it uses automatic correction cutting technology, that can avoid the inherent shortcomings, let our cutting power and speed have been improved and modifications. This is the most direct and effective way to improve cutting accuracy. This ensures cutting continuous swinging cutting head, holding it to achieve a perfect cutting effect and the state to ensure a more efficient manufacturing work to proceed.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ultra high pressure waterjet cutting machine parts products today and tomorrow

In recent years, with the high pressure water jet cutting machine parts products technology continues to mature and improve, it has good application in a larger context, but in this growing period, we must seize the opportunity, only in this way can ensure better applications, and promote industrial manufacturing better develop, create more sophisticated products and services. Next we take a look at how kos about high pressure water jet cutting machine parts today and tomorrow.

In order to allow high pressure water jet cutting machine parts get better development, continue to break, achieve better development in the more comprehensive application fields, we need to understand some of its current situation. This product is mainly relying on the high degree of precision machine tool platform and high-voltage power system that allows manufacturing to better proceed.

In fact, every product has its advantages and limitations, in order to make it better develop, create more efficiency, we need to break and improve the limitations of the product, such as materials chosen for the product, shape design and cutting performance improvements and so on, so that you can make the performance of the product is more reliable to proceed normally, so it can enhance the stability and reliability of the equipment to ensure that products around the clock automated continuous cutting, ensure manufacturing work can proceed normally create more value.

In order to guarantee high pressure water jet cutting machine parts have a better tomorrow, we need to be based on today, on the basis of existing technology, continuous improvement, to achieve technological innovation and improvement, so that the passage of time will make the product breakthrough and improvement, it will be applied in a broader space, so that our manufacturing work is more precise and efficient processing, bring greater benefits and convenience for us.

So hope through UHP waterjet cutting parts related presentations of today and tomorrow, hope everyone can be more clear and comprehensive understanding of the product to ensure that it can get better application and promotion, to ensure precision manufacturing work more efficient and bring more benefits and help.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Waterjet sand tubes purchase what coup need to know

Waterjet sand tubes used in our country is very large and has a large market, but different technical basis for this product, it will result in different quality, and water jet sand tube is its major component, everyone in the process of purchasing, the need to maintain a high degree of attention to this issue for the job, to ensure that it complies with the relevant standards and requirements, so as to avoid buying inferior products, give us severely affected and hazards. The following kos to tell you about the purchase coup of waterjet sand tubes, so that everyone can choose the suitable satisfactory products.

Today, China's water jet sand tube market is very hot, but many customers don't know much about this, in the selection process is very confused, do not know how to buy, to avoid deceived, resulting in serious impact and damage. So then we take a reliable waterjet sand tubes purchase coup, as early as possible in the hope that we can choose to fit the satisfaction of equipment to ensure that our machinery to proceed normally.

First examine the quality of the equipment, which is the most critical, in order to be able to identify true and false immediately, in the actual purchase process, we need to give it a try, and see whether its pressure fit the description of business, only after surly seeing its real operation, it can be more assured, ensure that the device can efficiently proceed normally.

Secondly, we need to analyze the efficiency of cutting, in order to ensure normal work continues, improve cutting efficiency, that is, the lower the cutting speed, the higher the cut quality, in line with relevant indicators and requirements. Therefore, under the same conditions, if the same cut quality, the faster the device is good equipment, worth choosing. Therefore, in the water jet sand tubes purchase process, it is important to consider this issue, so as to improve cutting efficiency and quality.

Finally, it is necessary to analyse the durability of sand tube, only the higher durability of sand tube, so as to increase its service life, long-term to provide services for us, let our cutting work more normally reliable proceed. While in the use process does not appear damaged parts, causing us great trouble and loss. So need to choose a higher durability equipment, this can reduce maintenance costs, while in the long run, its service life and the using results are the best.

Gem nozzle manufacturers warned that the current waterjet sand tubes purchase do not have a definitive reference and standards, but if everyone is able to consider the above three factors, do a good job in the related selection and identification, so we can ensure you choose a high-quality, high-performance equipment, let our cutting work more efficient and stable to continue.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Ruby nozzle characteristics popularization, improve application effect

Ruby nozzle role can not be ignored, it will have a direct impact on the performance and efficiency of equipment, which will bring us a lot of impact on our work. Therefore, in the use of process, we need extra attention ruby nozzle characteristics and role, so as to improve application effect, let our work to normal operation, will not be too much impact and damage.

Although the nozzle is a small device, but it has played a role can not be ignored, has applications in many fields, plays an irreplaceable role and effectiveness. The ruby nozzle characteristics mainly in the following points:

First of all good quality, compared to other equipment, high-pressure ruby nozzles are more high quality and reliable that can cut a variety of materials of processing, corrosion resistant, high temperature resistant, low temperature resistant and so on high-quality properties, in the actual work plays excellent effect. Therefore, as a key component, it can ensure that our device more normal and reliable operation continues, will not cause too much impact and hazards.

Secondly, material selection is more sophisticated, in order to ensure normal and reliable continues operation of equipment, we use specially selected alloys, to ensure that the device has good resistance to deformation, wear resistance and so on, ensure machining work more efficiently and stably carry on.

Again Ruby nozzle better wear resistance, in the friction processing for a long time, will not be the slightest injury, making the performance and service life of the nozzle is affected, cause serious influence to us.

Further fine workmanship, quality assurance, in order to ensure a more efficient and stable nozzle performance, play the desired effect, we can start from the details, to ensure that each process tends to be fine and perfect, so it can ensure more high standards of quality manufacturing processes, in line with consumer demand, manufacturing quality products.

Finally, with a complete inspection process, to check the quality of products, to ensure that each manufactured product quality clearance, improve quality and stability, can be a long time for us to work and services.

Buy kos high quality water jet nozzles for you waterjet cutting machine.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Master ruby high-pressure nozzle characteristics greatly improve cutting efficiency

With the development of the times, such as high-pressure ruby nozzle equipment, which can ensure that our work to proceed more persistently normal, will not cause too much impact and hazards. Therefore has applications in many industries, this practical and reliable technology, it has many advantages in the use of process, the following gems nozzle manufacturers to come with you to talk in detail about the ruby high pressure nozzle characteristics to be able to better application.

Compare to other equipment's performance, high-pressure ruby nozzle characteristic more safe and reliable, it can be applied in a wider area, so that our cutting efficiency greatly improved, will not cause much impact and hazards.

First, high efficiency, quality assurance, this ruby high-pressure nozzle characteristics more unique and reliable, it can greatly improve efficiency, and not in the course of work, making the shape and properties of the material affected and hazards. While cutting more efficient, allowing us to work safer and more reliable equipment, more higher quality assurance of products, in line with the relevant standards to meet consumer demand, manufacturing high-quality, high-performance products equipment.

The second is cutting faster, and this is mainly performance of high-pressure ruby nozzle characteristics, such durability, high efficiency equipment, which has better cutting efficiency, can cut a fast speed, compare to other traditional cutting methods, its cutting speed more quickly, efficiently and stable working.

Again better durability, and compare to other equipment the high-pressure ruby nozzle long-term reliable operation continues, from the effects of particulate matter, so nozzle performance is affected and hazards. So that it can continue to operate effectively long term, it will not cause much impact and hazards. Can work and service for us for a long time.

Finally, a wider range of application, this equipment versatility is better, can be applied in a wider area, it is possible to cut a variety of materials, while ensuring the effectiveness and quality of the cut, will not cause deviations and influence, so this products in the market won the consumers love and choice.

In summary, believe that everyone for the ruby high-pressure nozzle characteristics have some knowledge and understanding, in the use of process and need to pay attention to it, do a good job related to care and maintenance measures, which can greatly improve their performance and extend its service life, let our cutting work proceed more safe and reliable, and create more and better products, to meet consumer demand.

More good quality and performance water jet cutting machine parts for sale.

Friday, June 5, 2015

KOS waterjet sand tube, is the best choice for electrical and mechanical plant

With the development of high technology, more and more high-tech products are gradually born, which is widely used and easy to operate high-tech products greatly helped many manufacturing enterprises. Today, we will talk about KOS precision machinery production water sand tube!

Basic performance of waterjet sand tube: 1, uniform surface of the particles, the size of the cutting surface smooth.

2, The particle size of the surface should be based on the science. Cutting performance must be strong, speed must be fast.

3, The purity of the surface particles must be fine and the impurities must be little.

4, Good quality waterjet sand tube, long service life, can reduce or save costs.

Waterjet sand tube applications are as follows:

1, Can cut ceramics, stone and other materials.

2, The range of glass cutting is as follows: household appliance glass cutting, cutting on the construction and decoration, technologic cutting.

3, Applications of metal cutting.

(1) stainless steel and other metal on decoration cutting processing.

(2) machine tools, food machinery and other equipments manufacturing.

(3) cutting of metal parts.

4, For use in soft composite materials, bulletproof material and other one time forming cutting.

Waterjet sand tube only reasonable choice jet pressure, material and particle size can make sand tubes last longer.

KOS precision machinery production of waterjet sand tube according to the above requirements, using a new type of material. In general, waterjet nozzles's hardness and wear resistance is proportional, worse hardness, worse wear resistance. Conversely, the better. Increase the hardness would meet performance requirements of waterjet sand tube material. Make the sand tube wear resistance stronger, for the majority of customers provide the best cutting technology.

Material grain size and abrasion resistance, in good toughness, ensure the bending strength, consistent with the special requirements of abrasive waterjet tube.

Waterjet sand tube with a certain machine is widely used for cutting metal, glass, stone, plastic and other materials easy processing. KOS production of waterjet sand tubes, with many years of long-term accumulation of experience, the introduction of foreign advanced technology, with a strong performance, durable, cost-effective at home and abroad is the best, the most commonly used waterjet sand tube. Recognized by the majority of users, kos precision machinery production of waterjet sand tube stability and service life is the best Chinese products.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Learn waterjet sand tube performance, a more comprehensive understanding of the Precision Machinery

Waterjet sand tube can be called abrasive nozzle, which refers to the high pressure abrasive water jet cutting machine in action, at its outlet as an abrasive and water mixing nozzle. Because of the harsh environment of the air flow, the inner tube accelerated abrasive powder is very large, and therefore needs to be made very wear-resistant material. Performance of waterjet sand tube includes many aspects, such as its scope of application, product classification, and operation of technology-based and so on.

1, Application range

Style applied to the metal surface pressure sandblasting, scutching and construction blasting rubber hose wet sand and dry sand use.

Applications often seen as shipbuilding, machining, coatings and other industries.

2, Classification requirements

Class A: with electricity connection, and it is marked "M"

Class B: it is made of conductive rubber cortex, it is marked "Q"

Class C: it is the general type of not conducting, which is marked "A"

3, Technology-based

This requires the use of temperature hose to between minus twenty degrees to seventy degrees Celsius. And waterjet sand tube constitution: backing layer (inner layer); a suitable method laying natural or synthetic fabric reinforcement layer; the outer coating layer (outer layer); enhancement layer method most mining belt clip and use a rope wound methods.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ultrahigh-pressure waterjet cutting machine parts development and what are the advantages?

With the development of society, high pressure water jet cutting machine parts is relying on a high degree of precision machine tool platform and high power of high-pressure systems, and therefore has been applied on a wide range, but for high pressure water jet cutting machine parts get better and more comprehensive development, we need to constantly innovation and breakthrough of the status quo, seize the opportunity to make it has comprehensive application in broader areas.

The ultra-high pressure waterjet cutting machine parts if want to make the manufacturing industry can better proceed, we need to make improvements and breakthrough the limitations of the products, the first from material selection and shape design and cutting performance improvement, only this product's performance to be better protected, and thus be normal and reliable, but also to enhance the reliability of the equipment with the stability of the product throughout the day automated continuous cutting be better guaranteed, thereby creating a more favorable value.

In order to make the high pressure water jet cutting machine parts can now based on the accelerate development society, we must continue on the existing basis of constant innovation and improvement, in order to get some product improvements, and has a certain breakthrough, so as to get a large room for development in this community wide range of applications, and for more enterprises to create greater convenience and benefits, then what are the main advantages?

First, from the ultra-high pressure water jet cutting machine parts cutting precision, its very high precision, can realize the product requirements of precision cutting and produce the products completely in accord with the relevant requirements of the shape of the parts.

Second, it can cut non-ferrous metal and stainless steel, in order to achieve reflective cutting, it will not significantly affect or damage, and it is fully able to achieve a one-time cutting, and to ensure that products fully comply with the requirements of the shape of the product. Finally, it has a high-precision CNC machine tools, high-power workload and auto-correction of cutting. These are very significant advantages.

These are the waterjet cutting machine manufacturers of high pressure water jet cutting machine parts development and benefits related presentations, and hope that our products can be fully extended and has been widely used to achieve major companies unanimously approved, and be able to the company offers a secure and efficient production equipment to ensure normal production and broader improve production efficiency and to enhance and improve the quality and effectiveness of cutting, creating various enterprises more perfect products, and create a favorable value.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What are the measures for the ruby high-pressure nozzles maintenance

Ruby high-pressure nozzle as a key component of high pressure water jet cutting machine is the main transmission medium of cutter aqueous medium, for cutting performance of the play, and to ensure the accuracy of the cutting material has a very important role. Once damage to the cutting effects even cutting products accuracy and surface aesthetics effects are great.

So usually it does ruby nozzle maintenance and repair work is very important. Most of the operators may only be familiar with how to operate, lack of the necessary measures for maintenance, then what specific measures for maintain ruby high-pressure nozzle?

First, try to avoid direct contact with Ruby high-pressure nozzle at the first time, because its structure is more sophisticated, if the surface is damaged or invasion its performance will be greatly reduced. So during the process of assemble and unassemble, the staff need to be extra careful to avoid bumps and surface scratches affect the nozzle's performance, lead to unnecessary losses.

Secondly Ruby because of its own material for the corrosion resistance of the aqueous medium is relatively high, but relatively poor corrosion resistance for oily medium, so when forced to use oily medium, once stop working and timely to cleaning the nozzle surface oily medium, avoid nozzle contact with the media time is too long causes excessive corrosion of medium on the nozzle, ensure ruby surface texture smooth and complete.

Finally during the ruby high-pressure nozzle regular maintenance, you should use a special removal tool, never violent demolition, also on the bench should placed a sponge support pad, avoid the nozzle direct contact with desktop cause harder bump and scratch surface injury affecting performance of gem orifice.

For hypallage down temporarily unused nozzle should be proper saved using a special protective packaging, avoid excessive heat and air humidity environment, to prevent excessive corrosion when placed the nozzle.

Gem nozzle manufacturer Tips: Replace high-pressure ruby nozzle in waterjet cutting machine is very common, on the one hand is because necessary replacement and on the other hand is because a variety of reasons caused damage so had to change, also brought additional economic costs. So it is best to take measures for the proper maintenance of the nozzle, in order to ensure the normal use of cutting machine.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The user how to compare different brands of water jet sand tube is good or bad

Waterjet sand mixing tube for waterjet cutting machine technology is a major development, it appears that the water jet cutting technology more perfect, higher cutting accuracy and cutting efficiency, so after emergence is also very popular with users of all ages. But because it is a new type of product, while the processing requirements are relatively high, so the current quality of the water jet mixing tubes on the market sometimes the differences are very great.

For the users who have not used such a device, but have the intention to buy, to distinguish between good and bad of different brands sand tube becomes more difficult, a little improper purchase will cause unnecessary losses to their own, in order to help everyone more good understanding of the characteristics of mixing tubes, convenient for everyone to distinguish the product is good or bad, we specially made summed up as follows.

Waterjet sand mixing tube is the main equipment of waterjet cutting machine and the transmission medium of cutting medium, along with powerful integration capabilities can reach many different types of media, have a higher level of generality, can better meet the requirements of different materials cutting.

When good quality sand tubes during cutting, slotting smaller, also because of the characteristic of cool cutting so there is no thermal deformation. During the cutting process because there are driven by the flow of water so cutting debris or other things can be washed away by water, so the cutting surface of the cutting material is often relatively clean.

Unlike the plasma cutting and cutting ways, because it has a high precision so waterjet cutting machine for the accuracy of the operation is higher. The operator must have good control and output of cutting speed and control speed, in order to guarantee the cutting effect, and the effect of sand tube is extremely obvious.

Select the high quality waterjet cutting sand tube is to ensure cutting precision of the product, maintain the integrity of the cutting material surface, improve the appearance of the product beautification, extended the cutting machine service life and other many aspects has a incomparable good effect.

When users choose to buy, be sure to carefully selection, can refer to the above advantages of sand tube, targeted choice, don't because covet petty gain to buy a seemingly cheap sand tube results with a a very short time to be replaced again. What's more, because of the poor quality of the waterjet sand tube, resulting in ultra-high pressure water jet cutting machine damage, such an action would be more harm than good.